Quantum Materials Research Group
Open positions
2024.11.05. 15:00
Levente Rózsa: Entanglement in spin-wave theory
2024.10.29. 15:00
Verena Brehm: Engineering and detection of topological magnons in van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3
2024.06.25. 14:00
Jens Wiebe: Atom-by-atom engineering of magnet-superconductor hybrid systems towards the realization of Majorana quasiparticles
2024.02.20. 13:00
Anna Lopata: dUTPase Enzyme
2024.02.06. 13:00
Balázs Hetényi: From geometric phases to the modern theory of polarization
2024.01.30. 13:00
Levente Rózsa: Visualization programs
2024.01.11. 10:15
Balázs Nagyfalusi: Vékonyrétegek és nanoszerkezetek mágneses rendeződésének elméleti vizsgálata
2023.12.01. 10:15
Tim Matthies: Classification of complex 2D magnetic ground states using unsupervised contrastive learning
2023.11.28. 13:00
Krisztián Palotás: Scanning tunneling microscopy simulations
2023.11.17. 13:00
Maik Kerstingskötter: Spin dynamics simulations of hematite
2023.11.06. 10:00
Stefan Blügel (Forschungszentrum Jülich): Spin Models for Modeling Magnets
2023.10.17. 13:00
András Lászlóffy: Introduction to Komondor
2023.10.12. 12:00
József Cserti: Andreev seminar II
2023.10.05. 12:00
József Cserti: Andreev seminar I
2023.09.25. 13:00
Levente Rózsa: Discussion of paper
2023.08.30. 10:00
Nóra Kucska, Ivan Abilio, András Lászlóffy: Practice for conferences
2023.07.13. 13:00
Kyungwha Park: Electronic structure and decoherence in optically addressable Cr-based magnetic molecules
2023.07.06. 13:00
András Lászlóffy: Majorana zero modes induced by superconducting phase bias