group leader
Integrable aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence, integrable QFTs, integrable spin chains, perturbed CFTs
scientific advisor
2 dim integrable models, AdS/CFT integrability, sigma models, lattice field theory
senior research fellow
AdS/CFT integrability, integrable models
senior research fellow
Integrable QFTs, statistical physical applications
Postdoctoral fellow
Integrability in AdS/CFT
Postdoctoral fellow
Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, boundary spin chains, integrable models
PhD. student
Finite size effects, form factors, resurgence, spin models, quantum computing
PhD student
AdS/CFT correspondence
PhD. student
Integrable spin models, form factors, entanglement
Postdoctoral fellow
Resurgence, non-perturbative effects
senior research fellow
String theory
Postdoctoral fellow
String theory, AdS/CFT, boundary
Postdoctoral fellow
Variational problems with boundaries
Postdoctoral fellow
AdS/CFT integrability
PhD. student
Truncated Hilbert space approach, integrable models
PhD. student
Topological string theory
postdoctoral fellow
Gravity, asymptotic symmetries
post-doctoral fellow
Fluid gravity correspondence
post-doctoral fellow
Gravity, black holes, Kerr/CFT correspondence
research fellow
Conformal field theories, integrable models, gravity
research fellow
Integrable many-particle systems, Yang--Baxter-type equations and r-matrices, group theoretical methods in physics
PhD. student
Integrable defects, boundary and defect form factor program, integrability in AdS/CFT, financial mathematics
post-doctoral fellow
Integrable deformation of AdS/CFT integrability, relation between classical and quantum integrability
PhD. student
AdS/CFT integrability, classical form factors
post-doctoral fellow
Integrable models, form factors, finite temperature epansion
BSc. student
Integrable models, boundary form factors