
Senior members

Zoltán Bajnok
image of Bajnok Zoltán

group leader

Integrable aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence, integrable QFTs, integrable spin chains, perturbed CFTs

János Balog
image of Janos Balog

scientific advisor

2 dim integrable models, AdS/CFT integrability, sigma models, lattice field theory

Árpád Hegedűs
image of Arpad Hegedus

senior research fellow

AdS/CFT integrability, integrable models

Maté Lencsés
image of Mate

senior research fellow

Integrable QFTs, statistical physical applications

Postdoctoral fellows

Dennis le Plat
image of Dennis

Postdoctoral fellow

Integrability in AdS/CFT

Tamás Gombor
image of Tamas

Postdoctoral fellow

Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, boundary spin chains, integrable models

PhD students

István Vona
image of Istvan Vona

PhD. student

Finite size effects, form factors, resurgence, spin models, quantum computing

Bercel Boldis
image of Bercel

PhD student

AdS/CFT correspondence

Csilla Király
image of Csilla Király

PhD. student

Integrable spin models, form factors, entanglement

Former members

Ramon Miravitllas Mas
image of Ramon

Postdoctoral fellow

Resurgence, non-perturbative effects

Annamária Sinkovics
image of Ani

senior research fellow

String theory

Georgios Linardopoulos
image of George

Postdoctoral fellow

String theory, AdS/CFT, boundary

Bence Racskó
image of Bence

Postdoctoral fellow

Variational problems with boundaries

Michael Abbott
image of Michael

Postdoctoral fellow

AdS/CFT integrability

Márton Lájer
image of Marci

PhD. student

Truncated Hilbert space approach, integrable models

Zoltán Kökényesi
image of Zotlán Kökényesi

PhD. student

Topological string theory

Saeedeh Sadeghian
image of Saeedeh Sadeghian

postdoctoral fellow

Gravity, asymptotic symmetries

Chao Wu
image of Chao

post-doctoral fellow

Fluid gravity correspondence

Haryanto Siahaan
image of Haryanto

post-doctoral fellow

Gravity, black holes, Kerr/CFT correspondence

Gábor Zsolt Tóth
image of Gabor

research fellow

Conformal field theories, integrable models, gravity

Gábor Pusztai
image of Gabor Pusztai

research fellow

Integrable many-particle systems, Yang--Baxter-type equations and r-matrices, group theoretical methods in physics

László Holló
image of Laci

PhD. student

Integrable defects, boundary and defect form factor program, integrability in AdS/CFT, financial mathematics

Minkyoo Kim
image of Minkyoo

post-doctoral fellow

Integrable deformation of AdS/CFT integrability, relation between classical and quantum integrability

József Konczer
image of Jozsi

PhD. student

AdS/CFT integrability, classical form factors

Francesco Buccheri
image of Francesco

post-doctoral fellow

Integrable models, form factors, finite temperature epansion

Zoltán Laczkó
image of Zoli

BSc. student

Integrable models, boundary form factors