Publication list of Functional Nanosturctures before 2012

1. L. Bottyán, D.G. Merkel, B. Nagy, J. Füzi, Sz. Sajti, L. Deák, G. Endrőczi, A.V. Petrenko, J. Major:

GINA—A polarized neutron reflectometer at the Budapest Neutron Centre

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84 (2013) 015112.

2. D.G. Merkel, B. Nagy, Sz. Sajti, E. Szilágyi, R. Kovács-Mezei, L. Bottyán:

Higher harmonics suppression in Fe/Si polarizing neutron monochromators

Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 704 (2013) 92 - 97.

3. B. Nagy, Y.N. Khaydukov, L.F. Kiss, S. Sajti, D.G. Merkel, F. Tanczikó, A.S. Vasenko, R.O. Tsaregorodsev, A.S. Rühm, T. Keller, L. Bottyán:

Controlling Exchange Coupling Strength in NixCu1−x Thin Films

J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 26 (2013) 1957 - 1961.

4. L. Bottyán, D.G. Merkel, B. Nagy, J. Major:

Neutron Reflectometer with Polarization Option at the Budapest Neutron Centre

Neutron News 23 (2012) 21 - 24.

5. L. Deák, T Fülöp:

Reciprocity in quantum, electromagnetic and other wave scattering

Ann. Phys. - New York 327 (2012) 1050 - 1077.

6. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, T. Fülöp, G. Kertész, D.L. Nagy, R. Rüffer, H. Spiering, F. Tanczikó, G. Vankó:

Switching reciprocity on and off in a magneto-optical X-ray scattering experiment using nuclear resonance of a-57Fe foils

Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 237402.

7. D.E. Walker, M. Major, M.B. Yazdi, A. Klyszcz, M. Haeming, K. Bonrad, C. Melzer, W. Donner, H. von Seggern:

High mobility indium zinc oxide thin film field-effect transistors by semiconductor layer engineering

ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 4 (2012) 6835 - 6841.

8. A. Geresdi, A. Halbritter, F. Tanczikó, G. Mihály:

Direct measurement of the spin diffusion length by Andreev spectroscopy

Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 (2011) 212507.

9. Yu.N. Khaydukov, V.L. Aksenov, Yu.V. Nikitenko, K.N. Zhernenkov, B. Nagy, A. Teichert, R. Steitz, A. Rühm, L. Bottyán:

Magnetic Proximity Effects in V/Fe Superconductor/Ferromagnet Single Bilayer Revealed by Waveguide-Enhanced Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 24 (2011) 961 - 968.

10. D.G. Merkel, L. Bottyán, F. Tanczikó, Z. Zolnai, N. Nagy, G. Vértesy, J. Waizinger, L. Bommer:

Magnetic patterning perpendicular anisotropy FePd alloy films by masked ion irradiation

J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011) 124302.

11. D.G. Merkel, Z.E. Horváth, D.E. Szőcs, R. Kovács-Mezei, G.Gy. Kertész, L. Bottyán:

Stress relaxation in Fe/Si neutron supermirrors by He+ irradiation

Physica B 406 (2011) 3238 - 3242.

12. A.M. Nikitin, M.M. Borisov, E.Kh. Mukhamedzanov, S. Sajti, F. Tanczikó, L. Deák, L. Bottyán, Yu.N. Khaydukov, V.L. Aksenov:

Precision Structural Diagnostics of Layered Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanosystems V/Fe by Reflectometry and Diffuse Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation

Crystall. Rep. 56 (2011) 858 - 865.

13. Yu.N. Khaydukov, Yu.V. Nikitenko, L. Bottyán, A. Rühm, V.L. Aksenov:

Feasibility of Study Magnetic Proximity Effects in Bilayer “Superconductor/Ferromagnet” Using Waveguide Enhanced Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

Crystall. Rep. 55 (2010) 1235 - 1241.

14. L.F. Kiss, J. Balogh, L. Bujdosó, D. Kaptás, F. Tanczikó, I. Vincze:

Temperature dependence of the high-field magnetization in Fe-Ag granular alloys and discontinuous multilayers

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 200 (2010) 072050.

15. D.G. Merkel, Sz. Sajti, Cs. Fetzer, M. Major, R. Rüffer, A. Rühm, S. Stankov, F. Tanczikó, L. Bottyán:

Isotope-periodic multilayer method for short self-diffusion paths – a comparative neutron and synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometric study of FePd alloys

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 211 (2010) 012029.

16. F. Tanczikó, Sz. Sajti, L. Deák, D.G. Merkel, G. Endrőczi, D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, W. Olszewski, K. Szymanski:

Electron proportional gas counter for linear and elliptical Mössbauer polarimetry

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 023302.

17. C. Fetzer, I. Dézsi, I.S. Szűcs, F. Tanczikó, Á.G. Balogh:

The interaction of Fe on MgO(100) surfaces

Surface Science 603 (2009) 3021 - 3023.

18. L.F. Kiss, D. Kaptás, J. Balogh, F. Tanczikó, M. Major, I. Vincze:

Magnetic properties of Fe–Ag granular alloys

J. Alloy. Compd. 483 (2009) 620 - 622.

19. F. Tanczikó, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, D.G. Merkel, D.L. Nagy:

Sign determination of the hyperfine field by elliptically polarized Mössbauer source

Hyp. Int. 188 (2009) 79 - 84.

20. V.L. Aksenov, Yu.V. Nikitenko, V.V. Proglyado, Yu.N. Khaidukov, V.N. Gavrilov, E. Raitman, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Investigation of the Ultrasonic Wave Influence on Magnetic Ordering in a 20 × [Fe(20 Å)/Cr(12 Å)]/MgO Layered Structure

Crystall. Rep. 53 (2008) 729 - 733.

21. A. Kovács, D.G. Merkel, F. Tanczikó, S. Stankov, Y. Hirotsu, L. Bottyán:

He+ ion irradiation-induced disordering in L10-FePd thin films: Ion fluence dependence

Scripta Mater. 58 (2008) 635 - 638.

22. D.G. Merkel, F. Tanczikó, S. Sajti, M. Major, A. Németh, L. Bottyán, Z.E. Horváth, J. Waizinger, S. Stankov, A. Kovács:

Modification of local order in FePd films by low energy He+ irradiation

J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008) 013901.

23. D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer effect: a dual method for myriad applications

Hyp. Int. 182 (2008) 5 - 13.

24. W. Olszewski, K. Szymanski, D.G. Satula, L. Dobrzynski, L. Bottyán, F. Tanczikó:

Magnetic texture determination by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy with circularly polarized beam

Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 266 (2008) 3319 - 3324.

25. K. Szymanski, D. Satula, B. Kalska, W. Olszewski, L. Dobrzynski, H. Drulis, P. Gaczynski, W. Iwasieczko, L. Bottyán:

Advantages of Mössbauer polarimetric methods in material studies

Hyp. Int. 182 (2008) 125 - 136.

26. A. Tunyogi, F. Tanczikó, Z. Osváth, F. Pászti:

Structural characterization of Fe/Ag bilayers by RBS and AFM

Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 266 (2008) 4916 - 4920.

27. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L: Nagy, H. Spiering, Yu.N. Khaidukov, Y. Yoda:

Perturbative theory of grazing-incidence diffuse nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation

Phys. Rev. B 76 (2007) 224420.

28. M. Major, L. Bottyán, J. Meersschaut, D.L. Nagy, A.V. Petrenko, F. Tanczikó:

Supersaturation of antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers: A comparative polarised neutron reflectometry study

Physica B 397 (2007) 53 - 55.

29. K. Zhang, K.P. Lieb, D.G. Merkel, M. Uhrmacher, N. Pilet, T.V. Ashworth, H.J. Hug:

Ion-induced magnetic texturing of Ni films: Domain structure and strain

Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 257 (2007) 379 - 382.

30. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, R. Callens, R. Coussement, M. Major, I. Serdons, Y. Yoda:

Synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry using stroboscopic detection

Hyp. Int. 167 (2006) 709 - 715.

31. A. Tunyogi, F. Pászti, Z. Osváth, F. Tanczikó, M. Major, E. Szilágyi:

Asymmetric interfaces in Fe/Ag and Ag/Fe bilayers prepared by molecular beam evaporation

Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 249 (2006) 384 - 386.

32. Gy. Vankó, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, Cs. Fetzer, G. Juhász, O. Leupold, B. Molnár, H.D. Rüter, E. Szilágyi, D.L. Nagy:

Nuclear resonant scattering evidence of the phase co-existence during structural phase transformation in [Fe(H2O)6](ClO4)2

J. Alloy. Compd. 401 (2005) 29 - 33.

33. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, M. Major, E. Szilágyi:

Formation and transformation of antiferromagnetic domains in metallic multilayers: the reflectometry approach

Fifth General Conference of the Balcan Physical Society, (August 25-29, 2003, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro), Invited Lectures, (Eds.: S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, I. Savic) Serbian Physical Society, Belgrad, 2004, 81-90

34. N.S. Ovanesyan, G.V. Shilov, A.A. Pyalling, C. Train, P. Gredin, M.T. Gruselle, L.F. Kiss, L. Bottyán:

Structural and magnetic properties of two- and three-dimensional molecule-based magnets (cat)+[M IIMIII(C2O4)3)]-

J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 272-276 (2004) 1089 - 1090.

35. F. Tanczikó, L. Deák, D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán:

Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy with a linearly polarized source

Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 226 (2004) 461 - 468.

36. F. Tanczikó, L. Deák, D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán:

Thin Film Studies with Magnetic-Field CEMS Detector: Mössbauer Polarimetry with Linearly Polarized Source

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXXVIII. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, 2003), eds.: E.A. Görlich, K. Królas, A. T. Pędziwiatr, Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University Kraków, (2003)

37. L. Bottyán, L. Deák, J. Dekoster, E. Kunnen, G. Langouche, J. Meersschaut, M. Major, D.L. Nagy, H.D. Rüter, E. Szilágyi, K. Temst:

Observation of the spin-flop transition in a Fe/Cr superlattice

J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 240 (2002) 514 - 516.

38. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, M. Major, D.L. Nagy, H. Spiering, E. Szilágyi, F. Tanczikó:

Recent developments in synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry

Hyp. Int. 144 (2002) 45 - 52.

39. M. Major, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Simulation of unsaturation domain formation in antiferromagnetic multilayers

Acta Physica Polonica A 101 (2002) 301 - 305.

40. M. Major, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Simulation of domain formation and domain coarsening in antiferromagnetic multilayers

J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 240 (2002) 469 - 471.

41. M. Major, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Simulation of antiferromagnetic domain formation history in magnetic multilayers

Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 189 (2002) 995 - 999.

42. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, B. Croonenborghs, L. Deák, B. Degroote, J. Dekoster, H.J. Lauter, V. Lauter-Pasyuk, O. Leupold, M. Major, J. Meersschaut, O. Nikonov, A. Petrenko, R. Rüffer, H. Spiering, E. Szilágyi:

Coarsening of Antiferromagnetic Domains in Multilayers: The Key Role of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy

Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 157202.

43. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, B. Degroote, O. Leupold, M. Major, J. Meersschaut, R. Rüffer, E. Szilágyi, J. Swerts, K. Temst:

Specular and off-specular Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry: Applications to thin film magnetism

Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 189 (2002) 591 - 598.

44. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, B. Degroote, J. Dekoster, O. Leupold, M. Major, J. Meersschaut, R. Rüffer, E. Szilágyi, A. Vantomme:

Off-specular synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry: A novel tool for studying the domain structure in antiferromagnetic multilayers

Hyp. Int. 141 (2002) 459 - 464.

45. T. Becze-Deák, L. Bottyán, P. Bonville, D.L. Nagy, B. Molnár, U.W. Pohl, H. Spiering:

Comparative Mössbauer spectroscopic study of iron impurities in ZnSe

J. Phys. Chem. Solids 62 (2001) 987 - 997.

46. L. Deák, H. Spiering, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Simultaneous Evaluation of Spin Polarized Neutron and Mössbauer Reflectivities

KFKI Reports 01/E (2001) 73 - 74.

47. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, H. Spiering:

A common optical algorithm for the evaluation of specular spin polarized neutron and Mössbauer reflectivities

Physica B 297 (2001) 113 - 117.

48. B. Degroote, M. Major, J. Meersschaut, J. Dekoster, G. Langouche:

Conservation of uniaxial symmetry in Fe/Ag multilayers grown on stepped Ag(001)

Surface Science 482-485 (2001) 1090 - 1094.

49. M. Major, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Coarsening of Antiferromagnetic Domains: the Key Role of Magneto-crystalline Anisotropy

KFKI Reports 01/E (2001) 75 - 76.

50. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, M. Major:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry —Recent Applications in Multilayer Magnetism

Acta Physica Polonica A 100 (2001) 669 - 678.

51. V.G. Semenov, M.A. Andreeva, S.M Irkaev, D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák:

Practicheskoe primenenie messbauerovskoi optiki skolzaychego padeniya dlya nerazrushayushchego posloynogo analiza (energeticheskoe i vremennoe predstavlenie)

Izv. Akad. Nauk. Fiz. 65 (2001) 992 - 995.

52. T. Becze-Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, U.W. Pohl, H. Spiering:

On the applicability of the model of competing acceptors to Fe1+ in 57Co:ZnSe

Hyp. Int. 126 (2000) 115 - 119.

53. T. Becze-Deák, L. Bottyán, G. Corradi, L. Korecz, D.L. Nagy, K. Polgár, S. Sayed, H. Spiering:

57Co Mössbauer emission study of LiNbO3, Fe:LiNbO3 and Mg:LiNbO3 in various thermochemical reduction states

J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Articles 246 (2000) 33 - 37.

54. L. Bottyán, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, N.A. Sanina, A.B. Kashuba:

Magnetism in some layer molecular magnets as revealed by Mössbauer spectroscopy

Hyp. Int. 126 (2000) 149 - 154.

55. J. Dekoster, J. Meersschaut, B. Degroote, S. Degroote, C. L’abbé, G. Koops, M.J. Prandolini, T. Phalet, L. Vanneste, H.D. Pfannes, D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, R. Rüffer, O. Leupold, G. Langouche:

Step induced canting of magnetization in Fe/Ag superlattices

Hyp. Int. 126 (2000) 349 - 352.

56. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Szilágyi, H. Spiering, J. Dekoster, G. Langouche:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectrometry

Hyp. Int. 126 (2000) 353 - 361.

57. H. Spiering, L. Deák, L. Bottyán:


Hyp. Int. 125 (2000) 197 - 204.

58. E. Szilágyi, T. Becze-Deák, L. Bottyán, A. Kocsonya, E. Kótai, D.L. Nagy, A. Kling, G. Battistig, N.Q. Khánh, K. Polgár:

Lattice site determination of Co in low doped congruent LiNbO3 single crystal using PIXE/channeling

Solid State Comm. 115 (2000) 535 - 538.

59. Gy. Vankó, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, E. Szilágyi, A. Vértes:

Nuclear inelastic scattering of synchrotron radiation on solutions of 57Fe complexes

J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Articles 246 (2000) 97 - 100.

60. T. Becze-Deák, L. Bottyán, G. Corradi, L. Korecz, D.L. Nagy, K. Polgár, S. Sayed, H. Spiering:

Electron trapping centres and cross sections in LiNbO3 studied by 57Co Mössbauer emission spectroscopy

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 6239 - 6250.

61. L. Bottyán, L.F. Kiss, D.L. Nagy, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, N.A. Sanina, A.B. Kashuba:

Negative Magnetization and Giant Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in a 2D Molecular Ferrimagnet

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXXIV. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane), eds. E.A. Görlich and A. Pedziwiatr (Jagellonian University, Cracow, 1999) pp. 185-190

62. L. Bottyán, L. Kiss, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, N.A. Sanina, A.B. Kashuba:

Low-temperature magnetic properties of quasi-two-dimensional molecular ising-ferrimagnet (n-C5H11)4N[FeIIFeIII(C2O4)3]

JETP Lett. 70 (1999) 697 - 701.

63. L. Bottyán, L. Kiss, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, N.A. Sanina, A.B. Kashuba:

Low-temperature magnetic properties of quasi-two-dimensional molecular ising-ferrimagnet (n-C5H11)4N[FeIIFeIII(C2O4)3]

Pisma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 70 (1999) 680 - 683.

64. A.I. Chumakov, L. Niesen, D.L. Nagy, E.E. Alp:

Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by multilayers structures

Hyp. Int. 123-124 (1999) 427 - 454.

65. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, M. Major, D.L. Nagy, H. Spiering, E. Szilágyi:

Some basic aspects of synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXXIV. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane), eds. E.A. Görlich and A. Pedziwiatr ( Jagellonian University, Cracow, 1999) pp. 151-161

66. L. Deák, G. Bayreuther, L. Bottyán, E. Gerdau, J. Korecki, E.I. Kornilov, H.J. Lauter, O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, A.V. Petrenko, V.V. Pasyuk-Lauter, H. Reuther, E. Richter, R. Röhlsberger, E. Szilágyi:

Pure Nuclear Bragg Reflection of a periodic 56Fe/57Fe multilayer

J. Appl. Phys. 85 (1999) 1 - 7.

67. J. Dekoster, S. Degroote, J. Meersschaut, R. Moons, A. Vantomme, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Szilágyi, D.L. Nagy, A.Q.R. Baron, G. Langouche:

Interlayer Exchange Coupling, Crystalline and Magnetic Structure in Fe/CsCl-FeSi Multilayers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Hyp. Int. 120/121 (1999) 39 - 48.

68. M. Major, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, D.L. Nagy:

On magnetic multilayers of finite stacking

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXXIV. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane), eds. E.A. Görlich and A. Pedziwiatr (Jagellonian University, Cracow, 1999) pp. 165-168

69. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, J. Dekoster, G. Langouche, V.G. Semenov, H. Spiering, E. Szilágyi:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry in Materials Science

M. Miglierini and D. Petridis (eds.), Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, ISBN 0-7923-5641, p. 323-336.

70. J.Z. Nagy, A. Balázs, L. Bottyán:

A data-acquisition card without dead time

Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 426 (1999) 642 - 645.

71. N.S. Ovanesyan, G.V. Shilov, N.A. Sanina, A.A. Pyalling, L.O. Atovmyan, L. Bottyán:

Structural and Magnetic Properties of 2D Oxalate-Bridged Bimetallic Compounds

Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 334 (1999) 803 - 812.

72. L. Bottyán, J. Dekoster, L. Deák, A.Q.R. Baron, S. Degroote, R. Moons, D.L. Nagy, G. Langouche:

Layer Magnetization Canting in 57Fe/FeSi Multilayer Observed by Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry

Hyp. Int. 113 (1998) 295 - 301.

73. S. Deisenroth, H. Spiering, D.L. Nagy, P. Gütlich:

Lamb–Mössbauer factor of electronically excited molecular states measured by time differential Mössbauer emission spectroscopy

Hyp. Int. 113 (1998) 351 - 355.

74. D.L. Nagy:

Fizicseszkije i tyehnyicseszkije osznovi messzbauerovszkoj szpektroszkopii

Messzbauerovszkaja szpektroszkopija zamorozsennih rasztvorov, szerk. Vértes A. és Nagy D.L., Mir, Moszkva, 1998, pp.11-67

75. D.L. Nagy:

Blizsnyij porjadok v zamorozsennih vodnih rasztvorah szolej Fe(II)

Messzbauerovszkaja szpektroszkopija zamorozsennih rasztvorov, szerk. Vértes A. és Nagy D.L., Mir, Moszkva, 1998, pp. 130-161

76. D.L. Nagy:

Jagyernoje rezonansznoje rasszejenyije szinhrotronnovo izlucsenyija

Messzbauerovszkaja szpektroszkopija zamorozsennih rasztvorov, szerk. Vértes A. és Nagy D.L., Mir, Moszkva, 1998, pp. 346-350

77. D.L. Nagy:

Raszpregyelenyije szverhtonkih polej 57Fe2+ v amorfnom LiNbO3

Messzbauerovszkaja szpektroszkopija zamorozsennih rasztvorov, szerk. Vértes A. és Nagy D.L., Mir, Moszkva, 1998, pp. 350-355

78. G.V. Shilov, L.O. Atovmyan, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, L. Bottyán:

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Two-Dimensional Oxalate-Bridged Bimetallic Compounds

Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya 24 (1998) 305 - 312.

79. G.V. Shilov, L.O. Atovmyan, N.S. Ovanesyan, A.A. Pyalling, L. Bottyán:

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Two-Dimensional Oxalate-Bridged Bimetallic Compounds

Russ. J. Coord. Chem. 24 (1998) 288 - 294.

80. A. Vértes, D.L. Nagy:

Messzbauerovszkaja szpektroszkopija zamorozsennih rasztvorov

Mir, Moszkva, 1998, p. 389

81. T. Becze-Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, U.W. Pohl, H. Spiering:

Low-energy electronic excitations and metastable charge states in 57Co:ZnSe: an emission Mössbauer study

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXXII. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, 1997), eds.: E.A. Görlich, K. Latka, Inst. of Physics, Jagellonian Univ. and H. Niewodniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Physics, Kraków, 1997, p. 418-422.

82. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Gerdau, VN. Gittsovich, J. Korecki, O. Leupold, H. Reuther, V.G. Semenov, E. Szilágyi:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry: Feasibility of Depth Selective Phase Analysis of Thin Films and Multilayers

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXXII. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, 1997), eds.: E.A. Görlich, K. Latka, Inst. of Physics, Jagellonian Univ. and H. Niewodniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Physics, Kraków, 1997, p. 17-25

83. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Szilágyi:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry

Balkan Physics Letters 5 (1997) 240 - 247.

84. E. Szilágyi, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Gerdau, V.N. Gittsovich, A. Gróf, E. Kótai, O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, V.G. Semenov:

Corrosion depth profiles by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and synchrotron x-ray reflectometry

Mater. Sci. Forum 248-249 (1997) 365 - 368.

85. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, H. Spiering:

The coherent forward scattering amplitude in transmission and grazing incidence Mössbauer spectroscopy

Phys. Rev. B 53 (1996) 6158 - 6164.

86. S. Deisenroth, H. Spiering, D. Schollmeyer, D.L. Nagy, P. Gütlich:

Results of Time Integral Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy on [57Co/Mn(bipy)3](PF6)2 Single Crystals

Conference Proceedings Vol. 50, ICAME-95, (Ed. I. Ortalli), SIF, Bologna, 1996, pp. 23-26

87. R. Vandenberghe, T. Becze-Deák, E. DeGrave:

The Morin transition in hematite: another approach for the Mössbauer spectral analysis

Conference Proceedings Vol. 50, ICAME-95, (Ed. I. Ortalli), SIF, Bologna, 1996, pp. 207-210

88. N. Rozlosnik, D.L. Nagy, E. Giesse, D. Brandl, R. Buder:

EPR Spectroscopic Study of Iron Arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett Multilayers

Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 262 (1995) 357 - 360.

89. S. Sayed, L. Bottyán, T. Becze-Deák, D.L. Nagy, L. Korecz, K. Polgár, H. Spiering:

A 57Co Emission Mössbauer Study of Metastable Charge States in 57Co:LiNbO3

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXX. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, 1995), eds.: E.A. Görlich, K. Tomala, Inst. of Physics, Jagellonian Univ. and H. Niewodniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Physics, Kraków, p.428-434 (1995)

90. T. Becze-Deák, R. Vandenberghe, E. DeGrave:

Morin transition study of hematite powder samples - preliminary results

Key Engeneering Materials Vol. 103, (Eötvös Graduate School of Physics, International Summer Course, Budapest, 1994), eds.: Lendvai J., Trans Tech Publications, Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland, p.227. (1994)

91. L. Bottyán, J. Dengler, Gy. Faigel, N. E. Kaner, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, U. Röhlich:

EFG determination in magnetic field oriented powders of YBa2(Cu1-x57Fex)3O7-y superconductors - a test of existing models

Hyp. Int. 93 (1994) 1647 - 1651.

92. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Calculation of nuclear resonant scattering spectra of magnetic multilayers

Hyp. Int. 92 (1994) 1083 - 1088.

93. O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Relaxation within the electronic ground state of the ferrous ion in [Fe(H2O)6]K2(SO4)2 single crystals at low temperatures

Hyp. Int. 93 (1994) 1553 - 1559.

94. D.L. Nagy:

Trends in 57Co Mössbauer emission spectroscopy

Hyp. Int. 83 (1994) 3 - 19.

95. V.V. Pasyuk, D.L. Nagy, H. Lauter, A.V. Petrenko:

Polarized Neutron Reflectometry Study on Magnetic Multilayers for Nuclear Resonant Scattering Experiments

Report of Activity 1992-1993, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Dubna, p. 218-219, 1994

96. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Calculation of grazing angle incidence scattering spectra of nuclear resonant multilayers

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXVIII. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, 1993), eds.: E.A. Görlich, K. Tomala, Institute of Physics, Jagellonian Univ. and H. Niewodniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Physics, Kraków, (1993), p. 269-273

97. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Calculation of nuclear resonant scattering spectra of magnetic multilayers

KFKI Reports 20/E (1993) .

98. J. Dengler, L. Bottyán, Gy. Faigel, N. E. Kaner, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, U. Röhlich:

Magnetic field induced texture and relaxation in YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O7-y studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy

Condensed Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods (Proc. XXVIII. Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, 1993), eds.: E.A. Görlich, K. Tomala, Inst. of Physics, Jagellonian Univ. and H. Niewodniczanski Inst. of Nucl. Physics, Kraków, (1993), p. 274-280

99. D.L. Nagy, V. V. Pasyuk:

Calculation of Mössbauer reflectometry spectra

Hyp. Int. 71 (1992) 1349 - 1352.

100. H. Dengler, O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, F. Aubertin, C. T. Limbach, U. Gonser:

Distribution of hyperfine fields of 57Fe2+ in amorphous LiNbO3: Mössbauer study at low temperatures in high magnetic fields

Hyp. Int. 69 (1991) 667 - 672.

101. D.L. Nagy, U. Röhlich:

On the equivalence of the Afanas'ev-Tsymbal method and of the Fourier technique of Mössbauer line sharpening

Proc. XXVI.Zakopane School on Physics, Zakopane, 1991, eds.: J. Stanek, A.T. Pedziwiatr, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, (1991), p. 118-128

102. D.L. Nagy, U. Röhlich:

An overview on model-independent data reduction methods in Mössbauer spectroscopy

Hyp. Int. 66 (1991) 105 - 126.

103. I. Vincze, J. Balogh, Z. Fóris, D. Kaptás, T. Kemény:

Correlation Between Magnetic Moment and Exchange Interaction Distributions

Solid State Comm. 77 (1991) 757 - 761.

104. Á. Barcs, L. Bottyán, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, N. S. Ovanesyan, H. Spiering:

57Co Mössbauer emission study of cupric oxide

Hyp. Int. 55 (1990) 1187 - 1194.

105. L. Bottyán, H. Lütgemeier, J. Dengler, S. Pekker, A. Rockenbauer, A. Jánossy, D.L. Nagy:

A local method study of magnetic transition in YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O6

Electronic Properties of High-Tc superconductors and Related Compounds (Springer Series of Solid State Sciences Vol. 99, eds: H. Kuzmany, M. Mehring, J. Fink), Springer Verlag, (1990), p. 230-234

106. L. Bottyán, R. A. Brand, J. Dengler, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, J. Schober:

Magnetic interaction of Fe in YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-x (M=57Fe,57Co) at 4.2 K by absorption and emission Mössbauer spectroscopy

Proc. XXIV.Zakopane School on Physics, Zakopane, 1989, eds.: J. Stanek, A.T. Pedziwiatr, World Scientific Publishing, (1990), Vol. 2., p. 326-336

107. L. Bottyán, A. Jánossy, Á. Barcs, I. Fúró, J. Dengler, D.L. Nagy:

Fe-induced magnetic transition in YBa2(Cu1-x57Fex)3O6 by NQR and Mössbauer spectroscopy

Hyp. Int. 55 (1990) 1219 - 1228.

108. J. Dengler, G. Ritter, G. Saemann-Ischenko, B. Roas, L. Schultz, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs:

A CEMS study of c-axis oriented thin film of YBa2(Cu0.9757Fe0.03)3O7

Hyp. Int. 55 (1990) 1267 - 1272.

109. E. Giesse, W. Gruber, O. Leupold, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Non-equilibrium population of the Fe3+ electronic states after the electron capture in 57Co: LiTaO3

Hyp. Int. 56 (1990) 1519 - 1526.

110. Zs. Kajcsos, W. Meisel, E. Kuzmann, A. Vértes, C. Tosello, M. L. Gratton, P. Gütlich, D.L. Nagy:

ICEMS and DCEMS Study of Fe Layers Evaporated onto Al and Si

Hyp. Int. 57 (1990) 1883 - 1888.

111. E. Kuzmann, Z. Homonnay, A. Vértes, L. Bottyán, I. Kirschner, I. Halász, J. Bánkúti, L. Korecz, J. Dengler:

Mössbauer studies of Tl-containing high Tc superconductors

Hyp. Int. 55 (1990) 1331 - 1336.

112. O. Leupold, M. Billenstein, E. Giesse, W. Gruber, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, U. Röhlich:

Non-equilibrium population and slow relaxation of Fe2+ in 57Co: LiNbO3 and 57Co: LiTaO3 single crystals

Hyp. Int. 56 (1990) 1539 - 1544.

113. D.L. Nagy:

Short range order in frozen aqueous solutions of iron(II) salts

Mössbauer spectroscopy of frozen solutions, editors: A. Vértes, D.L. Nagy, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, (1990), p. 114

114. D.L. Nagy:

Physical and technical bases of Mössbauer spectroscopy

Mössbauer spectroscopy of frozen solutions, editors: A. Vértes, D.L. Nagy, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, (1990), p. 13

115. D.L. Nagy:

Population and relaxation of atomic levels after the electron capture: an application of Mössbauer emission spectroscopy

Proc. XXIV.Zakopane School on Physics, Zakopane, 1989, eds.: J. Stanek, A.T. Pedziwiatr, World Scientific Publishing, (1990), Vol. 2., p. 337-354

116. D.L. Nagy, K. Lázár, Zs. Kajcsos:

Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Budapest, Hungary, 4 - 8 September 1989

Hyp. Int. 53-58 (1990) .

117. D.L. Nagy, K. Lázár, Z. Kajcsos:

Proceedings of the International-Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer-Effect - Preface

Hyp. Int. 58 (1990) UR15 - UR16.

118. M. Pardavi-Horváth, L. Bottyán, I.S. Szűcs, P. E. Wigen, M. Gomi:

Conversion Electron Mössbauer Study of Sputtered Bi3Fe5O12

Hyp. Int. 54 (1990) 639 - 644.

119. M. Pardavi-Horváth, L. Bottyán, I.S. Szűcs, P. E. Wigen, M. Gomi:

Mössbauer study of Sputtered Bi3Fe5O12

J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 83 (1990) 23 - 24.

120. U. Röhlich, E. Giesse, O. Leupold, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Temperature dependence of the anomalous emission line intensities in 57Co: LiTaO3 - initial population and relaxation

Hyp. Int. 56 (1990) 1545 - 1550.

121. G. Saemann-Ischenko, B. Hensel, B. Roas, J. Dengler, G. Ritter, S. Klaumünzer, H. E. Hoenig, H.-W. Neumüller, J. Schützmann, M. Franz, W. Ose, K. F. Renk, D.L. Nagy:

Response of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-films on disorder after ion irradiation - critical currents magnetic relaxation, for infrared reflectivity and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy

Proc.Int.Seminar on High Temperature Superconductivity, Dubna, 1989, Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity, Vol. 21., (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, February (1990)), p. 361

122. A. Vértes, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer spectroscopy of frozen solutions

Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest (1990) .

123. J. Berke, L. Bottyán, J. Dengler, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, J. Schober, I.S. Szűcs:

YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-y (M=57Fe, 57Co) Mössbauer data and clustering

Hyp. Int. 50 (1989) 517 - 520.

124. M. Billenstein, R. Doerfler, O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Ligand field and hyperfine interaction of 57Fe2+ in LiNbO3 - a Mössbauer absorption study at low temperatures in high magnetic fields

Hyp. Int. 47 (1989) 446 - 447.

125. L. Bottyán, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs, J. Tóth, J. Dengler, G. Ritter, J. Schober:

Evidence for Fe4+ in YBa2(Cu1-x Mx)3O7-y (M=57Fe, 57Co) by absorption and emission Mössbauer spectroscopy

Proc.Latin American Conf.Appl.Mössbauer Effect, Rio de Janeiro, 1988, World Scientific, Singapore, (1989), p. 352-353

126. L. Bottyán, Gy. Hutiray, L. Mihály, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs:

57Co emission study of the high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-y

Hyp. Int. 47 (1989) 552 - 553.

127. J. Dengler, G. Ritter, J. Schober, J. Berke, L. Bottyán, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer study of high-Tc superconductor YBa2(Cu1-x)57Fex)3Oy

Hyp. Int. 47 (1989) 554 - 555.

128. J. Dengler, G. Ritter, G. Saemann-Ischenko, B. Roas, L. Schultz, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs:

A conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy study of c-axis oriented 57Fe doped thin films of YBa2Cu3O7

Physica C 162-164 (1989) 1297 - 1298.

129. R. Doerfler, W. Gruber, D. Horváth, O. Leupold, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, I.S. Szűcs, N. Zeman:

Non-equilibrium population of Fe3+ electronic states after the electron capture in LiNbO3: 57Co

Hyp. Int. 47 (1989) 592 - 593.

130. E. Giesse, O. Leupold, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Non-equilibrium population of the Zeeman-substates of the 6S ground state of 57Fe3+ - a Mössbauer emission study on LiTaO3: 57Co single crystals in magnetic fields

Hyp. Int. 47 (1989) 594 - 594.

131. D.L. Nagy, J. Dengler, G. Ritter:

Model-independent separation of poorly resolved hyperfine split spectra by a linear combination method

Proc.Latin American Conf.Appl.Mössbauer Effect, Rio de Janeiro, 1988, World Scientific, Singapore, (1989), p. 286-289

132. D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer emission spectroscopy of radiationless electronic transitions

Proc.Latin American Conf.Appl.Mössbauer Effect, Rio de Janeiro, (1988), World Scientific, Singapore, 1989, p. 145-159

133. J. Balogh, B. Rodmacq, A. Chamberod:

Metastable Phase Formation at the Interface of Compositionally Modulated Fe-Ti Films

Solid State Comm. 66 (1988) 143 - 147.

134. L. Bottyán, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs, J. Tóth, J. Dengler, G. Ritter, J. Schober:

Evidence for Fe4+ in YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-y (M=57Co,57Fe) by absorption and emission Mössbauer spectroscopy

KFKI Reports 31/E (1988) .

135. L. Bottyán, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs, J. Tóth, J. Dengler, G. Ritter, J. Schober:

Evidence for Fe4+ in YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-y (M=57Co,57Fe) by absorption and emission Mössbauer spectroscopy

Phys. Rev. B 38 (1988) 11373 - 11381.

136. W. Gruber, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, I.S. Szűcs:

Calculation of emission spectra in terms of a sochastic relaxation model: Fe3+ in LiNbO3

Hyp. Int. 42 (1988) 1043 - 1046.

137. L. Bottyán, F. Gazdácska, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs:

Mössbauer Studies YBa2(Cu,T)3O6+x (T=57Fe,57Co)

Proc. Conference on High Temperature Superconductivity Bristol, p43 (1987)

138. T. Kemény, I. Vincze, B. Fogarassy, J. Balogh:

Crystallization and Chemical Short-Range Order of Metallic Glasses

Proc. Conf. on Amorphous Metallic Materials Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, (Eds. P.Duhaj, P.Hrafko, VEDA Publishing House, Bratislava) (1987), p. 183

139. T. Kemény, I. Vincze, J. Balogh, L. Gránásy, B. Fogarassy, F. Hajdu, E. Sváb:

Thermal Stability and Crystallization of Transition Metal-Boron Metallic Glasses

Proc. Conf. on Amorphous Metallic Materials Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, (Eds. P.Duhaj, P.Hrafko, VEDA Publishing House, Bratislava) (1987), p. 231

140. L. Liszkay, L. Bottyán, Á.G. Balogh:

Electron irradiation induced defect structure in III-V semiconductors studied by positron lifetime spectroscopy

Crystal Properties & Preparation 12 (1987) 199 - 206.

141. Á.G. Balogh, L. Bottyán, G. Brauer, I. Dézsi, B. Molnár:

Positron lifetime and Doppler studies of Co-Si alloys

J. Phys. F. Met. Phys. 16 (1986) 1725 - 1730.

142. J. Balogh, L. Bottyán, I. Dézsi, F. Aubertin, S. M. Fries, U. Gonser:

Hydrogen desorption in Zr3FeH5.5

Hyp. Int. 28 (1986) 803 - 806.

143. R. Doerfler, W. Gruber, D. Horváth, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Magnetic field and temperature dependence of the anomalous emission line intensities in LiNbO3:57Co - Initial population and relaxation

Hyp. Int. 29 (1986) 1229 - 1232.

144. R. Doerfler, W. Gruber, P. Gütlich, K. M. Hasselbach, O. Leupold, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, F. Tuczek:

Mössbauer spectroscopic evidence of angle-dependent inter-system crossing in LiNbO3:Fe3+

Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 (1986) 2849 - 2852.

145. H. Domes, O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, B. Molnár, I.S. Szűcs:

Mössbauer study of short range order in frozen aqueous solutions of Fe(ClO4)2

J. Chem. Phys. 85 (1986) 7294 - 7300.

146. D. Horváth, D.L. Nagy, K. Vladár:

Mössbauer emission line intensities in the limit of slow relaxation

Hyp. Int. 30 (1986) 297 - 308.

147. L. Liszkay, L. Bottyán, Á.G. Balogh:

Electron irradiation induced defect structure in III-V semiconductors by positron lifetime spectroscopy

Proc. 2nd Conf. on Physics and Technics of GaAs and other III-V semiconductors, Budapest, (1986), p. 204

148. M. A. Mostafa, J. Balogh, E. Kuzmann:

Mössbauer Study of (Fe1-xCox)77B13C10 Amorphous Alloys

Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 96 (1986) 445 - 449.

149. Á.G. Balogh, J. Balogh, I. Dézsi, V. Németh, H. Engelmann, M. Ghafari, U. Gonser:

Positron Annihilation and Mössbauer Studies on ZrxFe1-x Amorphous and Crystalline Alloys

Proc. of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched Metals, (Ed. by S.Steeb and H.Warlimont) Würzburg, Germany, Sept. 3-7, (1984), p. 529

150. R. Doerfler, D.L. Nagy, H.-D. Pfannes, A. Putzka, G. Ritter, N. Zeman:

Non-equilibrium population of Fe3+ electronic states after the K-capture: 57Co in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3

Proc. Int. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect, Alma-Ata, 1983. Gordon and Breach, (1985), p. 1235

151. R. Dupree, I. Farnan, A. J. Forty, S. El-Mashri, L. Bottyán:

A MAS NMR study of the structure of amorphous alumina films

J. Phys. - Paris 46 (1985) C8-113 - C8-117.

152. I. Sajó, L. Bottyán, L. Farkas:

Structure of a new synthetic Ca-titanate from red mud

Proc. 12th Hungarian Diffraction Conference 178 (1985)

153. H. A. Sallam, N. A. Eissa, I. Dézsi, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer effect study of Libyan desert silica glass

Acta Phys. Hung. 57 (1985) 125 - 129.

154. R. Doerfler, D.L. Nagy, H.-D. Pfannes, A. Putzka, G. Ritter, N. Zeman:

Non-equilibrium population of Fe3+ electronic states after the electron-capture: 57Co in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3

Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 124 (1984) 767 - 772.

155. R. Doerfler, O. Leupold, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, R. Zimmermann:

Ligand field and hyperfine interaction of the Fe(H2O)62+ complex in different compounds

Hyp. Int. 15/16 (1983) 831 - 836.

156. D.L. Nagy, R. Doerfler, B. Molnár, G. Ritter, J. Waigel, N. Zeman:

Evaluation of the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio from 57Co Mössbauer emission spectra: influence of the relaxation of Fe3+

Hyp. Int. 15/16 (1983) 1051 - 1056.

157. D.L. Nagy, R. Doerfler, G. Ritter, J. Waigel, N. Zeman, B. Molnár:

Long-lived non equilibrium population of Fe3+ electronic states after the K-capture of 57Co

Phys. Lett. A 95 (1983) 400 - 402.

158. D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer emission spectroscopy of low energy excitations

Trends in Mössbauer Spectr.(Proc. Second Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectr.) Johannes Gutenberg Univ. Mainz, (1983), p. 241-263

159. S. Arajs, R. Caton, M. Z. El-Gamal, L. Gránásy, J. Balogh, Á. Cziráki, I. Vincze:

Crystallization of Glassy Fe84B16-xCx (x=3D0 to 10) Alloys

Phys. Rev. B 25 (1982) 127 - 135.

160. A. Audouard, J. Balogh, J. Dural, J.C. Jousset:

Displacement Threshold Energy of Iron Atoms in Amorphous and Crystalline Fe75B25 Alloys

Radiat. Eff. Defect S 62 (1982) 161 - 165.

161. A. Audouard, J. Balogh, J. Dural, J.C. Jousset:

Low Temperature Electron Irradiation Of Amorphous and Crystalline Fe-B Alloys

J. Non-Cryst. Solids 50 (1982) 71 - 78.

162. I. Dézsi, S. Fehér, Gy. Forgács, D. Horváth, E. Kótai, A. Manuaba, G. Mezey, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, É. Zsoldos:

Further localization studies of Co atoms diffused into silicon

Nucl. Instr. Meth. 199 (1982) 383 - 386.

163. Zs. Kajcsos, I. Dézsi, D. Horváth, T. Kemény, L. Marczis, D.L. Nagy:

Proceedings of the International Conference on Amorphous Systems Investigated by Nuclear Methods (Balatonfüred, Hungary, August 31 - September 4, 1981)

Nucl. Instr. Meth. 199 (1982) .

164. J. K. Mulhem, J. Balogh, I. Demeter, D. Horváth, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs:

After-effects of electron capture of 57Co in Fe(ClO4)2.6H2O and Fe(BF4)2.6H2O

Proc. Int. Conf.Appl. Mössbauer Effect, New Delhi, (1982), p. 392

165. J. K. Mulhem, D. Horváth, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy:

After-effects of electron capture of 57Co in frozen aqueous solutions of 57CoCl2

Nucl. Instr. Meth. 199 (1982) 277 - 279.

166. J. K. Mulhem, D. Horváth, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy:

After-effects of electron capture of 57Co in frozen aqueous solutions of 57CoCl2

KFKI Reports 3 (1982) .

167. D.L. Nagy, D. Horváth, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, I.S. Szűcs, U. Volland:

Distribution of the ligand field at the Fe2+ ion in frozen aqueous solutions of Fe(ClO4)2

Nucl. Instr. Meth. 199 (1982) 223 - 228.

168. D.L. Nagy, D. Horváth, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, I.S. Szűcs, U. Volland:

Distribution of the ligand field at the Fe2+ ion in frozen aqueous solutions of Fe(ClO4)2

KFKI Reports 4 (1982) .

169. K. Al Ani, I. Dézsi, Á.G. Balogh, Zs. Kajcsos, D.L. Nagy:

Positron annihilation and Mössbauer effect studies of In-Pb and Cu-Ni binary alloys

KFKI Reports 2 (1981) .

170. I. Dézsi, S. Fehér, Gy. Forgács, D. Horváth, E. Kótai, A. Manuaba, G. Mezey, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, É. Zsoldos:

Further localization studies of Co atoms diffused into silicon

Proc. of Int. Conf. Amorphous Systems Investigated by Nuclear Methods, Balatonfüred, (1981), p. 921-929

171. J. K. Mulhem, D. Horváth, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy:

After-effects of electron capture of 57Co in frozen aqueous solutions of 57CoCl2

Proc. of Int. Conf. Amorphous Systems Investigated by Nuclear Methods, Balatonfüred, (1981), p. 651

172. J. K. Mulhem, J. Balogh, I. Demeter, D. Horváth, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, I.S. Szűcs:

After-effects of electron capture of 57Co in Fe(ClO4)2.6H2O and Fe(BF4)2.6H2O

KFKI Reports 87 (1981) .

173. D.L. Nagy, D. Horváth, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, I.S. Szűcs, U. Volland:

Distribution of the ligand field at the Fe2+ ion in frozen aqueous solutions of Fe(ClO4)2

Proc. Int. Conf. Amorph. Systems Investigated Nucl. Meth., Balatonfüred, (1981), p. 527

174. J. Balogh, A. Cziráki, L. Gránássy, D.L. Nagy, S. Arajs, M. Z. El-Gamal:

Structure and crystallization of Fe84B16-xCx glasses

Proc. Conf. Metallic Glasses: Science and Tech., Budapest, (1980), p. 165-170

175. J. Balogh, A. Cziráki, L. Gránássy, D.L. Nagy, S. Arajs, M. Z. El-Gamal:

Structure and crystallization of Fe84B16-xCx glasses

KFKI Reports 100 (1980) .

176. J. Balogh, I. Dézsi, B. Fogarassy, L. Gránássy, D.L. Nagy, I. Vincze, S. Arajs:

Influence of atomic subtitution on short range order in amorphous Fe84B16-xCx

J. Phys. - Paris 41 (1980) C1-253 - C1-254.

177. J. Balogh, Gy. Faigel, M. Tegze, A.S. Schaafsma, I. Vincze, F. van der Woude:

Comparision of the Short Range Order of Amorphous and Crystalline (Fe,Ni)B Alloys

J. Phys. - Paris 41 (1980) C1-255 - C1-256.

178. I. Dézsi, R. Coussement, G. Langouche, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, M. de Potter:

On the localization of Co atoms in silicon

J. Phys. - Paris 41 (1980) C1-425 - C1-426.

179. K. Lázár, D.L. Nagy, L. Guczi:

Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy to the study of Fe/SiO2 and RuFe/SiO2 catalysators prepared of carbonyl clusters (Mössbauer-spektroszkópia alkalmazása karbonil-klaszterekből előállított Fe/SiO2 és RuFe/SiO2 katalizátorok vizsgálatára)

Proc. II. Symp. on Nuclear Chemistry, Debrecen, 1980, KLTE Debrecen, (1980), p.142-145

180. D.L. Nagy, J. Balogh, I. Dézsi, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, H. Vogel:

Ligand field calculation for the complex Fe(H2O)62+ in frozen aqueous solution of Fe(ClO4)2

J. Phys. - Paris 41 (1980) C1-283 - C1-284.

181. I. Vincze, F. van der Woude, J. Balogh:

Short Range Order in Transition Metal Glasses

J. Phys. - Paris 41 (1980) C1-257 - C1-258.

182. Á. Cziráki, B. Fogarassy, J. Balogh, L. Gránássy, T. Kemény:

Crystallization of Fe84B16-xCx Metallic Glasses

XI. Szövetségi Elektronmikroszkopos Konferencia, Tallin, Szovjetúnió, (1979), Vol. 3, p.113

183. I. Dézsi, Á.G. Balogh, J. Balogh, Zs. Kajcsos, D.L. Nagy, É. Zsoldos:

Positron annihilation and Mössbauer studies on CuxZn1-x alloys

J. Phys. F. Met. Phys. 9 (1979) 999 - 1004.

184. I. Dézsi, D.L. Nagy, M. Eszterle, L. Guczi:

Mössbauer study of silica supported catalysts

J. Phys. - Paris 40 (1979) C2-76 - C2-77.

185. D.L. Nagy:

Deformation induced texture in Mössbaer absorbers

J. Phys. - Paris 40 (1979) C2-49 - C2-49.

186. J. Balogh, I. Vincze:

Temperature Dependence of the Hyperfine Field Distribution in an Amorphous Ferromagnet

Solid State Comm. 25 (1978) 695 - 698.

187. I. Dézsi, D.L. Nagy, M. Eszterle, L. Guczi:

Characterization of silica supported PtFe catalysts by Mössbauer spectroscopy

React. Kinet. Catal. L. 8 (1978) 301 - 307.

188. D.L. Nagy:

Deformation induced texture in Mössbauer absorbers

Appl. Phys. 17 (1978) 269 - 274.

189. D.L. Nagy:

Deformation induced texture in Mössbauer absorbers

KFKI Reports 51 (1978) .

190. U. Volland, S. Hösl, H. Spiering, I. Dézsi, T. Kemény, D.L. Nagy:

Phase transformation in ferrous fluosilicate hexahydrate: X-ray and DSC study

Solid State Comm. 27 (1978) 49 - 51.

191. L. Bakos, M. Csajka, L. Cser, A. Csőke, N. N. Dogadkin, A. Elek, K. Kulcsár, A. Nagy, D.L. Nagy, E. Szabó, B. Vorsatz, É. Zemplén:

Investigation of the composition of the Luna 16 lunar sample

The Soviet-American Conf. on Cosmochem. of the Moon and Planets, Moscow, USSR, 1974 NASA, Washington D.C. (1977), p. 277-280

192. I. Dézsi, U. Gonser, D.L. Nagy, W. Keune, H. Bunzel, H. Spiering, I. Földes Jr, S.K. Date:

The quadrupole interaction of Fe2+ ions in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectrosc. Bucharest, (1977), p. 159-161

193. I. Dézsi, Á.G. Balogh, J. Balogh, Zs. Kajcsos, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer and positron annihilation studies on CuxZn1-x alloys

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectrosc. Bucharest, (1977), p. 377-378

194. I. Vincze, J. Balogh:

Temperature Dependence of the Hyperfine Field Distribution in an Amorphous Ferromagnet

Int. Conf. on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Bucharest, Romania, (1977), p. 421

195. I. Dézsi, Á.G. Balogh, J. Balogh, Zs. Kajcsos, D.L. Nagy, É. Zsoldos:

Positron annihilation and Mössbauer studies on CuxZn1-x alloys

Proc. Int. Conf. Positron Annihilation Helsingor, (1976). paper D16

196. I. Dézsi, A. G. Nagy, D.L. Nagy:

After-effects observed in 57Co(III)- HEDTA complex

J. Phys. - Paris 37 (1976) C6-909 - C6-911.

197. H. Spiering, D.L. Nagy, R. Zimmermann:

Ligand field at the Fe(II) ion in Siderite

Chem. Phys. 18 (1976) 243 - 250.

198. H. Spiering, I. Dézsi, D.L. Nagy:

Further examples of a ligand field calculation for the sixfold coordinated complex Fe(H2O)62+

J. Phys. - Paris 37 (1976) C6-571 - C6-574.

199. L. Bakos, M. Csajka, L. Cser, A. Csőke, N. N. Dogadkin, A. Elek, K. Kulcsár, A. Nagy, D.L. Nagy, E. Szabó, B. Vorsatz, É. Zemplén:

Investigation of the composition of the Luna 16 lunar sample

Kosmohimiya Luni i Planet, Nauka, Moscow, (1975). p. 167-169

200. I. Bibicu, I. Dézsi, T. Lohner, D.L. Nagy:

Ionic species and frozen solutions

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Bratislava, 1975, p. 247-250

201. I. Dézsi, T. Lohner, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter, H. Spiering:

Mössbauer spectroscopy of Fe-HEDTA frozen solutions

Proc Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Cracow, (1975), p. 257-258

202. I. Dézsi, T. Lohner, D.L. Nagy:

Ferroelectric phase transformation in CH3NH3Fe(SO4)2.12H2O

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Cracow, (1975), p. 371-372

203. I. Dézsi, T. Lohner, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy, G. Ritter:

Morin-transition in a-Fe2O3 diluted with trivalent metallic ions

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Cracow, (1975), p. 379-380

204. T. Lohner, I. Dézsi, D.L. Nagy, A. M. Afanas'ev:

On the lineshape of spin-relaxation broadened Mössbauer spectra of some Fe3+ paramagnets

Phys. Lett. A 53 (1975) 446 - 448.

205. D.L. Nagy, G. J. Zimmer, T. Lohner, J. P. Sénateur, I. Bibicu:

Mössbauer study of the magnetic phase transformations in SnMn3N

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Bratislava, 1973.,(1975), p. 75-78

206. D.L. Nagy, I. Dézsi, U. Gonser:

Mössbauer studies of FeCO3 (siderite)

Neues Jb. Miner. Monat. H3 (1975) 101 - 114.

207. D.L. Nagy, K. Kulcsár, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, H. Vogel, R. Zimmermann, I. Dézsi, M. Pardavi-Horváth:

Magnetic field induced texture in Mössbauer absorbers

J. Phys. Chem. Solids 36 (1975) 759 - 767.

208. D.L. Nagy, I. Dézsi, K. Kulcsár:

Can we prepare texture-free Mössbauer samples?

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Cracow, (1975), p. 25-26

209. H. Spiering, R. Zimmermann, D.L. Nagy:

Ligand field theory and hyperfine interaction in Siderite

Proc. Int. Conf. Mössbauer Spectr. Cracow, (1975), p. 261-262

210. I. Dézsi, T. Lohner, D.L. Nagy, A.M. Afanasiev:

Paramagnetic relaxation phenomena in alums

J. Phys. - Paris 35 (1974) C6-449 - C6-451.

211. D. Horváth, K. Kulcsár, D.L. Nagy, L. Pócs:

SIRIUS: A program package for nuclear data processing

Proc. VIIth Int. Symp. on Nuclear Electronics, Budapest, 1973, JINR, D-7616, Dubna, pp. 224-237 (1974)

212. D.L. Nagy, L. Cser, K. Kulcsár:

Analysis of lunar soin collected by the automatic station Luna-16 by Mössbauer effect

Lunnii grunt iz Morya Izobiliya, Nauka, Moscow,(1974), p. 334

213. D.L. Nagy, G. J. Zimmer, M. Barberon, J. P. Sénateur:

Magnetic structure of Mn3SnN above 350 K

Proc. Int. Conf. Magnetism ICM-73, Nauka, Moscow, (1974), p. 586-589

214. D.L. Nagy, K. Kulcsár, H. Spiering, R. Zimmermann:

On the anisotropy of the recoilless fraction in FeCO3 at 4.2 K

J. Phys. - Paris 35 (1974) C6-385 - C6-387.

215. F. Sontheimer, D.L. Nagy, I. Dézsi, T. Lohner, G. Ritter, D. Seyboth, H. Wegener:

Spin relaxation effects in Fe(NO3)3 and Fe(ClO4)3 frozen solutions and in Fe(ClO4)3 crystal hydrates

J. Phys. - Paris 35 (1974) C6-443 - C6-448.

216. H. Spiering, D.L. Nagy, R. Zimmermann:

Hyperfine interaction of the Fe2+ ion in Fe(H2O)6(ClO4)2

J. Phys. - Paris 35 (1974) C6-231 - C6-234.

217. R. Zimmermann, G. Ritter, H. Spiering, D.L. Nagy:

A further example of slow relaxation in high-spin iron(II) compounds: Fe(papt)2C6H6

J. Phys. - Paris 35 (1974) C6-439 - C6-442.

218. D.L. Nagy, J. P. Sénateur, G. J. Zimmer, T. Lohner, I. Bibicu:

Mössbauer study of the magnetic phase transformations in Mn3Sn3

KFKI Reports 42 (1973) 1 - 7.

219. D.L. Nagy, G. J. Zimmer, M. Barberon, J. P. Sénateur:

Magnetic structure of Mn3SnN above 350 K

KFKI Reports 43 (1973) 1 - 5.

220. D.L. Nagy, I. Dézsi:

The anomalous temperature dependence of the Mössbauer line-width of FeCO3 (Siderite)

Solid State Comm. 12 (1973) 749 - 751.

221. D.L. Nagy, I. Dézsi:

The anomalous temperature dependence of the Mössbauer line-width of FeCO3 (Siderite)

KFKI Reports 54 (1972) 1 - 8.

222. J. P. Sénateur, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer study of SnMn3C and SnMn3N

KFKI Reports 63 (1972) 1 - 9.

223. L. Cser, D.L. Nagy:

A possible method for the evaluation of electron hopping time from Mössbauer data

Proc. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect, (Tihany, 1969). Akad. Kiadó, Budapest, (1971), p. 165-167

224. L. Cser, G. Konczos, D.L. Nagy, Yu. M. Ostanevich, L. Pál:

Investigation of the local behaviour of the DO3 type ordered FeAl alloys

Proc. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect (Tihany, 1969.) Akad. Kiadó, Budapest, (1971), p. 419-425

225. L. Cser, I. Gladkih, L. Keszthelyi, D.L. Nagy, I. Vincze:

Decomposition of the Mössbauer spectrum of magnetite at 4.2 K

Proc. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect (Tihany, 1969.) Akad. Kiadó, Budapest, (1971), p. 553-556

226. I. Dézsi, L. Cser, D.L. Nagy, I. Vincze:

Proceedings of the Conference on the Application of the Mössbauer Effect, Tihany (Hungary), 17th-21st June, 1969

Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest (1971) .

227. I. Dézsi, K. Kulcsár, D.L. Nagy, L. Pócs:

On the Mössbauer spectra of FeCO3 (Siderite)

Proc. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect, (Tihany, 1969). Akad.Kiadó, Budapest, (1971), p. 247-251

228. I. Dézsi, L. Keszthelyi, G. Nagy, D.L. Nagy:

Further investigations on frozen solutions

Proc. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect (Tihany, 1969.) Akad. Kiadó, Budapest, (1971), p. 607-611

229. K. Kulcsár, D.L. Nagy, L. Pócs:

A complete package of programs for the evaluation of Mössbauer and gamma spectra

Proc. Conf. Mössbauer Spectrometry, Dresden, (1971), p. 594

230. K. Kulcsár, D.L. Nagy, L. Pócs:

A complete package of programs for the evaluation of Mössbauer and gamma spectra

KFKI Reports 67 (1971) 1 - 8.

231. D.L. Nagy, K. Kulcsár, I. Dézsi, B. Molnár:

Origin of the asymmetries in the quadrupole-split Mössbauer spectra of FeCO3 (Siderite)

Proc. Conf. Mössbauer Spectrometry, Dresden, (1971), p. 431

232. D.L. Nagy, K. Kulcsár:

Resolution of Mössbauer spectroscopy

Proc. Conf. Mössbauer Spectrometry, Dresden, (1971), p. 618

233. D.L. Nagy, K. Kulcsár, I. Dézsi, B. Molnár:

Origin of the asymmetries in the quadrupole-split Mössbauer spectra of FeCO3 (Siderite)

KFKI Reports 65 (1971) 1 - 10.

234. D.L. Nagy, K. Kulcsár:

Resolution of Mössbauer spectroscopy

KFKI Reports 66 (1971) 1 - 7.

235. I. Vincze, L. Cser, D.L. Nagy:

Conduction electron polarization investigated by the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field in Fe-Mn alloy

Proc. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect (Tihany, 1969) Akad. Kiadó, Budapest, (1971), p. 389-393

236. I. Vincze, L. Cser, D.L. Nagy:

Additional zero-point spin deviation due to a non-magnetic impurity in a-Fe2O3

Physica Status Solidi 37 (1970) K51 - K53.

237. L. Cser, I. Gladkih, L. Keszthelyi, D.L. Nagy, I. Vincze:

Decomposition of the Mössbauer spectrum of magnetite at 4.2 K

KFKI Reports 28 (1969) 1 - 9.

238. G. Konczos, D.L. Nagy, Yu. M. Ostanevich, L. Pál, L. Cser:

Investigation of the distribution of aluminum in iron-aluminum alloys

Dubna Report P14-4828 (1969) .

239. I. Vincze, L. Cser, D.L. Nagy:

Conduction electron polarization investigated by the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field in Fe-Mn alloy

KFKI Reports 18 (1969) 1 - 8.

240. L. Cser, I. Gladkih, L. Keszthelyi, D.L. Nagy, I. Vincze:

Decomposition of the Mössbauer spectrum of magnetite at 82°K

KFKI Reports 29 (1968) 1 - 6.

241. I. Dézsi, N.A. Eissa, L. Keszthelyi, B. Molnár, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer study of SnCl2 and Dy(ClO4)3 in ice

Physica Status Solidi 30 (1968) 215 - 218.


242. F. Tanczikó:

A mágnesezettség irányának meghatározása elliptikusan poláros rezonáns fotonokkal

PhD értekezés, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2010

243. D.L. Nagy:

Low-Energy Electronic Excitations of Fe3+ and Other MES Studies of 57Co/LiNbO3 and Related Systems

Mössbauer Eff. Ref. Data J. 30 (2007) 119 - 120.

244. F. Tanczikó, M. Major, D.L. Nagy:

Molekulanyaláb-epitaxia berendezés az MTA KFKI Részecske- és Magfizikai Kutatóintézetben

Fizikai Szemle (2007) 78.

245. M. Major:

Magnetic phase and domain evolution of antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers

PhD thesis, 2006, Budapest

246. L. Deák, L. Bottyán, M. Major:

Vékonyrétegek szinkrotron-Mössbauer-reflektometriai vizsgálata stroboszkópos detektálással

Fizikai Szemle 54 (2004) 372 - 374.

247. D.G. Merkel:

Magneto-optikai Kerr-berendezés építése és alkalmazása MBE-növesztett ultravékony fémrétegek mágneses anizotrópiájának jellemzésére

Diplomamunka, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2004

248. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, M. Major, E. Szilágyi, F. Tanczikó:

Domének keletkezése és átalakulásai antiferromágnesesen csatolt multirétegekben

Fizikai Szemle 54 (2004) 368 - 372.

249. D.L. Nagy, C. Kapusta, W.M. Kwiatek, J. Konior, M. Stankiewicz:

Foreword, in: Proceedings of the 5th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science

J. Alloy. Compd. 328 (2001) 1 - 1.

250. L. Bottyán, J. Dekoster, L. Deák, E. Kunnen, C. L'abbé, G. Langouche, O. Leupold, M. Major, J. Meersschaut, D.L. Nagy, R. Rüffer:

Bulk Spin Transition in a Magnetic superlattice

ESRF Highlights, 1999, 62-63.

251. C. Carbone, A. Dallmeyer, M.C. Malagoli, K. Maiti, J. Wingbermühle, W. Eberhardt, D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Szilágyi, R. Rüffer, O. Leupold:

Non-collinear Magnetism in fcc-Fe/Co(100) Films

ESRF Highlights, 1999, 60-62.

252. L. Deák:

A szinkrotronsugárzás nukleáris rezonanciaszórása vékonyrétegeken, súroló beesésben

PhD thesis, 1999, Budapest

253. J. Dekoster, L. Bottyán, R. Moons, S. Degroote, A.Q.R. Baron, V.V. Pasyuk-Lauter, G. Vértesy, G. Langouche, D.L. Nagy:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometric Evidence Of Antiferromagnetic To Ferromagnetic Transformation In Fe/FeSi Multilayers

International Colloquium on Magnetic Thin Films (ICMFS97, Sunshine Coast, Australia) 0, (1997)

254. R. Moons, J. Dekoster, S. Degroote, G. Langouche, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, A.Q.R. Baron:

Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry Evidence of Antiferromagnetic Coupling in Fe/FeSi Multilayers

Progress Report 1996/1997, Instituut voor Kern- & Stralingsfysika, KU Leuven, ISSN 0733-8420, 1997, p. 70-72.

255. D.L. Nagy:

Vékonyrétegek szerkezete és a szinkrotronsugárzás nukleáris rezonanciaszórása: szinkrotron-Mössbauer-reflektometria

Fizikai Szemle 47 (1997) 150 - 152.

256. D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, V.N. Gittsovich, O. Leupold, R. Rüffer, V.G. Semenov, H. Spiering, E. Szilágyi:

Surface and interface magnetism

ESRF Highlights, 1997, 46-47.

257. Á. Barcs, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, K. Polgár, A. Rockenbauer:

The Role of Fe3+ acceptors in the formation of Aliovalent Charge States of Iron After the EC of 57Co in LiNbO3

ICAME'93, International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, 8-13 Aug. 1993. Vancouver, Canada

258. L. Korecz, D.L. Nagy:

Mössbauer-spektroszkópiai mérések

Haladó szintű hallgatói laboratórium jegyzete, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, KFKI Részecske- és Magfizikai Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 1993.

259. L. Deák, L. Bottyán:

A magnetic stucture model of RBa2Cu3O6

3rd International Csillebérc Seminar “A Local Method View on High Tc Superconductors and Related Systems", Budapest, 1990. december 12-14.

260. L. Bottyán:

Iron-induced magnetic phase transition in oxygen deficient YBCO - NQR and Mössbauer studies

Int. Seminar on High Temperature Superconductivity, Dubna, USSR, 28 June - 1 July, (1989), AI.4.

261. L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy:

Interpretation of YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-y (M=57Fe,57Co) Mössbauer data by twin boundary clustering

Internat. Symp. on the Industrial Appl. of the Mössbauer Effect, Parma, Italy, (1988)

262. D.L. Nagy:

Az 57Fe Mössbauer-spektroszkópiája alacsony hőmérsékleten, nagy mágneses térben

A tudomány doktorának értekezése, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 1987.

263. A. Vértes, D.L. Nagy:

Magyar kutatók szerepe a Mössbauer-spektroszkópia alkalmazási lehetőségeinek fejlesztésében

Válogatás a "Magyarok szerepe a világ természettudományos és műszaki haladásában" című konferencia előadásaiból, Országos Műszaki Információs Központ és Könyvtár, Budapest, 1987, 291-301.

264. D.L. Nagy:

A Mössbauer-spektroszkópia alapjai

Egyetemi segédkönyv, Központi Fizikai Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 1980.

265. D.L. Nagy:

Néhány intenzitásanomális eredete a Mössbauer-spektroszkópiában

A tudomány kandidátusának értekezése, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 1979.

266. D.L. Nagy:

A Mössbauer-effektus néhány ipari alkalmazása

Fizikai Szemle (1978) 66 - 72.

267. D.L. Nagy:

Az Mn3SnN és az Mn3SnC mágneses fázisátalakulásainak vizsgálata Mössbauer-spektroszkópiával

Tudományegyetemi doktori értekezés, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, 1973.

268. I. Dézsi, D.L. Nagy, L. Cser:

Konferencija po primenyenyijam effekta Messzbauera

Usp. Fiz. Nauk 101 (1970) 343 - 348.