API docs

A brief documentation is provided here to get started. For full specs, consult the Functional Specifications document.


List available box types

To list the available box types:

GET https://nonlocalbox.wigner.hu/api/v1/listBoxTypes?apiKey=$API_KEY


apiKey   apiKey




Status code

1 Permission denied: wrong apiKey


The first two box types are the Popescu-Rohrlich (PR, boxID=1) and the Bell (boxID=2) boxes. To create a box (i.e. invite a partner), the box type ID will be needed.


Inviting a partner to use a nonlocal box

  • The inviter is always Alice, the invited partner will be Bob.
  • We can invite another user on the basis of the other's user name.
  • The box has a name to make it easy to remember.
GET https://nonlocalbox.wigner.hu/api/v1/invitePartner?apiKey=$ALICE_KEY&boxTypeID=1&inviteUserName=bob&boxName=ourFirstPRbox


apiKey                  apiKey of the inviter
inviteUserName username of the user to invite
boxTypeID the type of box to create
boxName the name of box to create





Status codes

0   OK
1   Permission denied: wrong apiKey
2   Box quota exceeded
3   Invited user does not exist
4   Invalid box type


Note: The API is not designed to do any communication, it is restricted to the emulation of the nonlocal box. The partner's notification on the invitation or any other necessary communication should be done with some other tool.


Using the box

Using the box as Alice

Use box ID 42 in transaction 2022021701 as Alice, sending x=0 as input:

GET https://nonlocalbox.wigner.hu/api/v1/useBox?apiKey=$APIKEY&boxID=42&transactionID=2022021701&x=0

Typical output:



Using the box as Bob

Use box ID 42 in transaction 2022021701 as Bob, sending 1 as an input:

GET https://nonlocalbox.wigner.hu/api/v1/useBox?apiKey=$APIKEY&boxID=42&transactionID=2022021701&y=1

Typical output:

apiKey api key
boxID ID of the box
transactionID     ID of the transaction
x Alice input; either x or y is needed, cannot give both
y Bob input; either x or y is needed, cannot give both


Status codes

0   OK
1   Permission denied to box, nonexistent box or wrong apiKey
2   Inconsistent data, the transaction completed before with different input
3   Invalid role. Alice gave y or Bob gave x
the output of the box towards Alice
the output of the box towards Bob


List all boxes

This lists all the boxes where the given user is the inviter, i.e. Alice:

GET https://nonlocalbox.wigner.hu/api/v1/listBoxes?apiKey=$APIKEY

Typical output:

{"boxes":[{"aliceUser":"20","bobUser":"21","boxTypeID":"1","created":"2022-09-14 16:14:20","id":"4","name":"ourPRbox"}],"status":0}


apiKey   api key


Status codes

0   OK
1   Permission denied: wrong apiKey


Note: boxes where the user is the invitee (i.e. plays the role of Bob) cannot be listed as it would enable the users to communicate using the API.