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Education Activity

Dr. Gábor FACSKÓ, PhD
Wigner Research Centre for Physics
H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Building 2, Room 116, Hungary
E-mail: facsko dot gabor at wigner dot hu
Phone: +36 (1) 392-2222 Ext 1185
University of Pecs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
H-7624 Pecs, Ifjusag utja 6, Building F, Room 215, Hungary
E-mail: facskog at gamma dot ttk dot pte dot hu
Phone: +36 72 503-600 Ext. 24872


Recent part time and honorable positions

  1. Senior Research Fellow, University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary, 2024-
  2. Assistant Professor, Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary, 2022-2024
  3. Academic staff member, University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Physics, Pécs, Hungary, 2024-
  4. Announcer of research topic, Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2023-
  5. Academic staff member, Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2022-
  6. Announcer of research topic, Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 2021-

MSc courses

  1. A Naprendszer fizikája / Physics of the Solar System, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester), (my lecture)
  2. Bevezetés a LaTeX használatába / Introduction to LaTeX, University of Sopron, Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries, Sopron, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2017)
  3. (CC2N1UM1) Ürszonda mérési adatok feldolgozási és kiértékelési módszerei / Methods of Data Precessing and Analyzys of Space Probe Measurements, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, Hungary (Spring Semester, 2017)

BSc courses

  1. (ENKEMNA0302) Applied Linear Algebra lecture and practice (in English), University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary (Spring Semester, 2025-)
  2. (KEMNA0302) Alkalmazott Lineáris Algebra elöadás és gyakolat / Applied Linear Algebra lecture and practice, University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary (Spring Semester, 2025-)
  3. (MATNA1901) and (MATNA1902) Lineáris Algebra elöadás és gyakorlat / Linear Algebra lecture and prectice, University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary (Spring Semester, 2025-)
  4. (PTIA0301) Linear Algebra lecture and practice (in English), University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2024-)
  5. (ONFIZ1-0401) Elemi lineáris algebra elöadás és gyakorlat / Linear Algebra lecture (in Hungarian), University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2024-)
  6. (PTIA1201) Elemi programozas / Introduction to Programming (Python), University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Informatics, Pécs, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2024-)
  7. (VH-MIT010-L) Bevezetés a LaTeX használatába / Introduction to LaTeX , Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2023)
  8. (BH-KOMP271-N) Prezentació, szakmai elöadás angol nyelven / Presentation in English, Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall and Spring Semesters, 2023-2024)
  9. (BH-KOMP271-L) Prezentació, szakmai elöadás angol nyelven / Presentation in English, Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall and Spring Semesters, 2023-2024)
  10. (VH-MIT009-N) Python programozás alapok / Introduction to Python Programming Language, Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2023)
  11. (VH-MIT009-L) Python programozás alapok / Introduction to Python Programming Language, Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2023)
  12. (BH-MIT050-L) Bevezetés a programozásba (Algoritmusok) / Introduction to programming (Algorithms), Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2022-2024)
  13. (BH-MIT054-L) Adatbáziskezelés / Databases 1. (SQL), Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2022)
  14. (BH-MIT050-N) Bevezetés a programozásba (Algoritmusok) / Introduction to programming (Algorithms), Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall Semester, 2022-2024)
  15. (BH-MIT051-N) Operációs rendszerek / Operating Systems 2. (Linux), Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Spring Semester, 2022-2024)
  16. (BH-MIT051-L) Operációs rendszerek / Operating Systems 2. (Linux), Milton Friedman University, Department of Informatics, Budapest, Hungary (Fall and Spring Semesters, 2022-2024)

Supervision of BSc, MSc, and TDK theses

Type:BSc thesis
Name:Ms. Réka Palágyi, BSc in Computer Science, Milton Friedman University, Budapest, Hungary
Title:GAPP: Gardening Application fejlesztése és implementációja / Development and Implementation of Gardening Application
Topic:A GAPP applikáció egy olyan szoftver, amely a kertészkedésben nyújt támogatást a felhasználóknak. Az alkalmazás célja, hogy megkönnyítse a növények gondozását és elrendezését a kertben.

Type:BSc thesis
Name:Mr. Norbert Kováts, BSc in Computer Science, Milton Friedman University, Budapest, Hungary
Title:Grafikus leltárprogram / Graphical Inventory Programme
Topic:My thesis presents the development of a new system aimed at improving the efficiency of corporate asset management by enabling users to quickly register, commission, and more easily track assets within the inventory. The system's primary function is tracking the location of assets based on a loaded map, which facilitates quick relocation or retrieval during the inventory process in case of troubleshooting. The project utilizes the C# programming language, the .Net Core framework, and the Microsoft SQL database management server for application functionality. The goal of the project is to construct an easy-to-use and efficient tool for those involved in corporate inventory processes, as well as for those who need to know the precise location of assets within the premises. The development of the system targets the simplification of a specific problem, significantly reducing the workload of personnel responsible for inventory management and increasing accuracy. In the future, the program could potentially be integrated into existing unique inventory systems, thereby refining the existing databases.

Type:TDK thesis
Name:Mr. Bertalan MAJOR, MSc in Aerospace Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Title:Testing shock jump predictions: THEMIS Observations
Topic:After the solar wind crossed the bow shock and entered the magnetosheath the temperature, the magnetic field magnitude, and the density of the solar wind increased; furthermore the solar wind velocity dropped and its course changed. The theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) had predictions for the ratio of these parameters on each side of the boundary layer. The three THEMIS spacecraft were in the same orbit therefore their particular configuration, magnetic field, and ion plasma measurements let us test the MHD bow shock jump predictions. Twenty events are selected and analyzed in this study. The ratio of the down- and upstream magnetic field magnitude and solar wind speed are calculated and compared to the theory. We expect deviances from the MHD theory at the quasi-parallel bow shock region and when transient dayside magnetospheric events are observed near the bow shock crossing.
Keywords:Terrestrial bow shock shock, Solar wind: space plasma

Type:MSc thesis
Name:Mr. Munkhjargal LKHAGVADORJ, MSc in Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Title:Propagation of interplanetary shocks in the heliosphere
Topic:NASA and the European Space Agency dispatched a fleet to study the heliosphere and the planets of the Solar System. A few probes were measured inside the orbit of the Earth, some missions collected data outside of the orbit of the our planet. In the meantime, another group of space probes recorded the variations ofthe solar wind at the L1 Lagrange point. The purpose of this thesis is the observation of interplanetary shocks by at least two different spacecraft. Furthermore, to determine the changes and developements of the shock parameters during propagation. Finally, the collected conjigated observations should be compared with exixting models and simulations.

Type:TDK thesis
Name:Mr. Munkhjargal LKHAGVADORJ, MSc in Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Title:Temporal Development of Interplanetary Shocks in the Heliosphere
Topic:Interplanetary shocks are one of the crucial dynamic processes in the Heliosphere. They accelerate particles into high energy, generate plasma waves and could potentially trigger geomagnetic storms in the terrestrial magnetosphere disturbing significantly our technological infrastructures. In this study, two IP shock events are selected to investigate the temporal variations of the shock parameters using magnetometer and ion plasma measurements of the STEREO A and B, the Wind, and the ACE spacecraft. The shock normal vectors are determined using the minimum variance analysis (MVA) and the magnetic coplanarity methods. During the May 07 event, the shock parameters and the shock normal direction are consistent. During the April 23 event, the shock parameters do not change significantly, however, the shape of the IP shock appears to be twisted along the transverse direction to the Sun-Earth line. Stereo B does not observe the IP shock signatures during this event.
Keywords:Interplanetary shock, Solar wind: space plasma, Heliosphere
Conference:Outstanding Thesis, Particle Physics Section, Physics Conference of Faculty of Science, Budapest, December 17, 2022.
Conference:Special Prize, Plasma Physics Subsection, Earth Sciences, Physics and Mathematics Section, Veszprém, April 11-13, 2023. Closing ceremony

Last modified by Gabor FACSKO on Febuary 26, 2025