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Thesis topics

Dr. Gábor FACSKÓ, PhD
Wigner Research Centre for Physics
H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Building 2, Room 116, Hungary
E-mail: facsko dot gabor at wigner dot hu
Phone: +36 (1) 392-2222 Ext 1185

PhD and MSc thesis topics

  1. Developing an empirical bow shock model using deep learning codes

    When I worked at the Finnish Meteorological Institute from 2010 to 2011 I developed an algorithm to determine the bow shock time and location from Cluster measurements. The task is to test the prediction abilities of the code and improve its capability using deep learning methods. The tested and improved code is applied for the measurements of the Cluster, Time History of Events, and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) and other spacecraft to determine the time and location of the bow shock transitions. The candidate will create a new empirical bow shock model depending on the data of Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) and Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) solar wind monitoring spacecraft; furthermore the Kp and Dst geomagnetic indexes.

  2. Testing shock jump predictions: THEMIS Observations

    After the solar wind crossed the bow shock and entered the magnetosheath the temperature, the magnetic field magnitude, and the density of the solar wind increased; furthermore the solar wind velocity dropped and its course changed. The theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) had predictions for the ratio of these parameters on each side of the boundary layer. The three THEMIS spacecraft were in the same orbit therefore their particular configuration, magnetic field, and ion plasma measurements let us test the MHD bow shock jump predictions. Twenty events are selected and analyzed in this study. The ratio of the down- and upstream magnetic field magnitude and solar wind speed are calculated and compared to the theory. We expect deviances from the MHD theory at the quasi-parallel bow shock region and when transient dayside magnetospheric events are observed near the bow shock crossing.

  3. Mother's Day Solar Storm Event

    On May 10/11, 2024, night, a set of strong coronal mass ejections (CMEs) hit the terrestrial magnetosphere to push it back and compress, triggering magnetic storms, and high aurora activity visible even from Hungary. This research aims to study this event in two ways: (1) finding and determining the CME shocks in the observations of various heliospheric spacecraft, calculating the shock normals in various fronts and determining the shape of the shocks, and finally comparing them to heliospheric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. (2) Perform an MHD simulation from the L1 Lagrangian point to the terrestrial magnetotail using the Grand Unified Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Simulation (GUMICS-4) code and compare the simulation results to observations.

  4. Comparing 1-year GUMICS-4 simulations of the Terrestrial Magnetosphere with Cluster Measurements

    We compare the predictions of the GUMICS-4 global magnetohydrodynamic model for the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere with Cluster SC3 measurements for over one year, from January 29, 2002, to February 2, 2003. In particular, we compare model predictions with the north/south component of the magnetic field (Bz) seen by the magnetometer, the component of the velocity along the Sun-Earth line (Vx), and the plasma density as determined from a top hat plasma spectrometer and the spacecraft's potential from the electric field instrument. We select intervals in the solar wind, the magnetosheath, and the magnetosphere where these instruments provided good quality data and the model correctly predicted the region in which the spacecraft is located. We determine the location of the bow shock, the magnetopause and, the neutral sheet from the spacecraft measurements and compare these locations to those predicted by the simulation. The GUMICS-4 model agrees well with the measurements in the solar wind however its accuracy is worse in the magnetosheath. The simulation results are not realistic in the magnetosphere. The bow shock location is predicted well, however, the magnetopause location is less accurate. The neutral sheet positions are located quite accurately thanks to the special solar wind conditions when the By component of the interplanetary magnetic field is small.

BSc thesis topics
  1. Development of a Space Weather Monitoring System

    Our central star, the Sun, dominates the Solar System. The solar wind, the high-speed stream originated from it, interacts with every object in the Solar System, then slows down and collides with the interstellar medium, creating a bubble in the surrounding interstellar space. Solar eruptions generate material and particle radiation that penetrate the region dominated by Earth's magnetic field. In the process, they cause magnetic disturbances on Earth and alter the state of the ionized zone of the atmosphere, the ionosphere, at an altitude of 120 km. This can disrupt telecommunications, navigation, railway transportation, gas and oil pipelines, and power transmission lines. Although rare, such events can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a national space weather monitoring and alert system.

    Suggested topics:

    1. Determining the necessary hardware, internet connection, uninterruptible power supply, servers, and monitors. Designing storage systems. Planning the alert system and emergency communication. Selecting the operating system, estimating the cost of installation and maintenance.
    2. Developing an application accessible from a console and remotely, which:
      1. Displays the solar disk in white light, extreme ultraviolet, X-ray, based on magnetic polarity, and coronagraph images. It presents these in various selectable combinations using data from multiple solar observatories (e.g., SOHO, STEREO, Solar Dynamics Observatory).
      2. Visualizes solar wind data measured at the L1 Lagrange point, located 1.5 million km toward the Sun from Earth, by DSCOVR and ACE (magnetic field strength and components, solar wind speed and components, temperature, and density), separately or simultaneously.
      3. Displays the planetary Kp index and the Dst index, as well as the K-index calculated at the Tihany Geomagnetic Observatory and the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory in Nagycenk.
      4. Illustrates the state of the ionosphere based on measurements from the ionosonde operating at the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory in Nagycenk.
      The above subtopics each represent a thesis topic. Every program must operate within a unified framework, ensuring remote accessibility.

  2. CubeSat Development at the University of Pécs

    On December 18, 2024, the Pannon SpaceLab was founded at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pecs. The purpose of the group is to unify the local space industry capacities, companies, and other organisations. The SpaceLab is an open collaboration, anybody is welcome to join. At the Kick-Off Meeting, the participants decided to build an educational university CubeSat. The purpose is to gain knowledge about standards, establish relationships, and finally launch a small satellite. The collaboration is highly supported by the engineering education at the University of Pecs, and its dedicated special purpose is to involve the students in the development of this space probe.

    Suggested topics:

    TBD - Numerous testing, visualization, and demonstration topics.

The above thesis topics are recommended for BSc students in physics, business informatics, and software engineering.

Last modified by Gabor FACSKO on February 25, 2025