Róbert Vértesi

Curriculum Vitae


  • Debrecen University (PhD 2011)
    PhD in Physics
    Thesis: Exploring Hot, Strongly Interacting Matter with the PHENIX experiment at RHIC (2011), advisors: Prof. G. Dávid, Prof. T. Csörgő
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (MSc 2002)
    MSc, Engineer-Physicist specialized on Nuclear Technology
    Thesis: Meson Production in Two-Photon interactions at the OPAL Experiment (2002), advisor: Prof. D. Horváth

Research experience

  • Senior Research Fellow, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary (2017–)
    • Leader, Hadron Physics research group (2019–)
    • Deputy, ALICE-Hungary group (2016–)
    • Coordinator, ALICE Heavy Flavor Jets Physics Analysis Group (2021–2023)
    • Coordinator, ALICE Heavy Flavor Jets and Correlations Physics Analysis Group (2020–2021)
    Research topic: Heavy-flavor physics in high-energy collisions, small colliding systems; experiment (LHC ALICE) and phenomenology
  • "Wigner" postdoctoral fellow, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary (2015–)
    Research topic: Heavy-flavor physics in high-energy collisions, small colliding systems; experiment (LHC ALICE) and phenomenology
  • Postdoctoral fellow, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Řež/Prague, Czechia (2012–2015)
    Research topic: Femtoscopy and heavy-flavor physics in high-energy collisions; experiment (RHIC STAR)
  • Student Researcher on Fulbright Fellowship, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA (2006–2007)
    Research topic: Direct photons and neutral pions in high-energy heavy-ion collisions: experiment (RHIC PHENIX)
  • Junior research fellow, KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary (2006–2011)
    Research topic: Femtoscopy, direct photons and neutral pions in high-energy heavy-ion collisions: experiment (RHIC PHENIX) and phenomenology
  • Student Researcher on Marie Curie Fellowship, Ludwig Maximillans University, Munich, Germany (2003)
    Research topic: Development of the CERN LHC ATLAS muon chambers
  • Summer Student at CERN (OPAL) Geneva, Switzerland (2002)
    Research topic: Two-photon interactions with the CERN LEP OPAL experiment

research interests

Awards, fellowships

  • Lajos Jánossy prize, Loránd Eötvös Physical Society, Hungary (2022)
  • János Bolyai research fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2016—2020)
  • Géza Györgyi prize, KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (2011)
  • Best poster award, RHIC Users’ Meeting 2010, BNL, Upton New York, USA (2010)
  • Poster selected for flash plenary talk, Quark Matter 2009, Knoxville Tennessee, USA (2009)
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Researcher Fellowship, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2006–2007)
  • Marie Curie student fellowship, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany (2003)
  • CERN Summer Student program, CERN (2002)

Project leader

  • NKFIH OTKA FK 131979 "Investigation of collective phenomena and multiple-parton interactions in small systems created at LHC energies using light- and heavy-flavor" (2019–)
  • NKFIH 2019-2.1.6-NEMZ_KI-2019-00007"Fragmentation of Heavy Flavor in the CERN LHC ALICE Experiment" (2023)
  • "Wigner" distinguished research group, Wigner RCP (2019, 2021, 2022, 2023)

Professional activities and responsibilities

  • International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, LOC member (2023)
  • Zimányi School on Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, organizer (2009, 2011, 2017–)
  • STAR Regional meeting, Prague, Czechia, LOC member (2014)
  • PHENIX Collaboration meeting (Debrecen), LOC member (2005)
  • International Conference of Physics Students, LOC member (2002)
  • Editor, MDPI Particles (2020–)
  • Hungarian delegate, Advisory Committee of CERN Users (2018–2022)
  • Member of the Public Body, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2016–)
  • Member of the Loránd Eötvos Physical Society (2016–)
  • Hungarian Association of Physics students, president (2000–2001)

Students and classes

teaching activity

Talks and Publications

