Geotechnics and Social Implementations

We are developing muon tomographic (3D reconstruction) and a combined procedure of seismic and muographic measurement methods to determine the physical characteristics of subsurface rocks and builing structures. The methods will be suitable for structural geological, mining and archaeological investigations [1-3]. The high penetration ability and small deviation of muons enables highly accurate (typically a few cm) location determination based on muon detection in the laboratory [4]. We plan to develop field applications of muon positioning methods (e.g. mine stability, navigation) where traditional techniques (e.g. GPS) are limited or not applicable.

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[1] Oláh, L., et al. (2023). Földtudományi kutatások és geotechnikai alkalmazások kozmikus müonok mérésével Magyar Geofizika, 63. évf. 4. szám, 225-241. (In Hungarian)

[2] Oláh, L., Tanaka, H.K.M., Mori, T., Sakatani, Y., & Varga, D. (2023). Structural health monitoring of sabo check dams with cosmic-ray muography iScience, 26, 108019.

[3] Balázs, L., et al. (2023). 3-D muographic inversion in the exploration of cavities and low-density fractured zones Geophysical Journal International, 236, 700-710.

[4] Varga, D., & Tanaka, H.K.M. Developments of a centimeter-level precise muometric wireless navigation system (MuWNS-V) and its first demonstration using directional information from tracking detectors ArXiv.