Proceedings of the Wigner 111 - Call for Contributions -
The LOC of the Wigner 111 will make a proceedings at the EPJ Web of Conferences, which is an open-access journal dedicated to archiving conference proceedings in physics and related sciences. Concerning the guidelines to the authors, please visit the site of the journal..
Contributions can be submitted by invitation only for Authors who were inform by individual e-mails. In case you decide to contribute to the Proceedings, please send your print-ready paper in PDF format to by 30 April 2014.
Page limits are: 8 pages for plenary, 4 pages for invited and 2 pages for contributed talks.
Scope of Wigner 111 Scientific Symposium
Eugene P. Wigner played a key role in the genesis of the theoretical background of Modern Physics. We celebrate one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century for several reasons by organizing the present conference: on the occasion of his 111th birthday, the 50th anniversary of his receiving the Nobel Prize in Physics, and to celebrate the recent foundation of our Wigner Research Centre for Physics, as well.
Wigner's outstanding contributions to Modern Physics, in general, appear in fields of researches originating from his pathbreaking works, which nowadays - in some cases - even become the part of our everyday life. In order to possibly cover the very broad spectrum of Wigner's contributions to physics, subjects like foundations of physics, Wigner functions, group theory, quantum optics, solid state physics, particle and nuclear physics, astrophysics, energetics and nuclear reactors will be included in the program.
The structure of the scientific program of the Wigner 111 - Colourful & Deep, International Scientific Symposium 11-13 November 2013 is the following: on Monday (11th) and on Wednesday (13th) plenary talks will be delivered exclusively, both in the morning and in the afternoon. Parallel sessions on Tuesday (12th) will include invited talks. Contributions are also welcome in the poster session; posters may be displayed throughout the whole duration of the symposium.
There are additional (less formal) programs on Thursday (14th), entitled 'Wigner Memorial Tour'. This program includes a visit organized to the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, where the new Wigner Data Center (CERN@Wigner) will be shown, among some main laboratories. We also plan a 'scientific tour' in Budapest, to show you Wigner's place of birth, his famous Fasori Lutheran Secondary School, for instance.
Programme and Poster
The program Wigner 111 - Colourful & Deep can be downloaded from
here in pdf format.
The symposium poster is available here in pdf format
Information for the Participants
Wigner 111 - Colourful & Deep, Scientific Symposium will be held at the historical building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences next to the beautiful Chain Bridge on the Pest side of the river Danube.
Conference fees:
* Full fee 300 EUR
* Reduced fee 150 EUR
* Accompanying person's fee: 100 EUR
The registration is now open until 15th October on the REGISTRATION link.
Please, follow the procedure:
(1) Make a PRE-REGISTRATION providing personal data to obtain an account
(2) Using your account, please follow to the payment with your account.
(3) Upload your abstract to the REGISTRATION using this ABSTRACT TEMPLATE.
(4) Hotel Booking: For accommodation, please check for the ACCOMMODATION link to
book hotel rooms near to the conference site.
* Suggested hotel booking deadline 10th October 2013.
* Registration and payments must be done by 15th October 2013.
* Abstract submission 27th October 2013.
* Please submit your manuscript by 30th April 2014.
Contact information:
Name: Wigner 111 Scientific Symposium
Institute: Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Address: 29-33 Konkoly-Thege Miklós Str.
H-1121 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: +36 1 392-2222
Fax: +36 1 395-9151, +36 1 392-2598