Vukics András department leader physicist, D.Sc., scientific advisor vukics.andras@wigner.hun-ren.hu +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1392, +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1207 |
Quantum Optics research group | |||
Domokos Péter project leader physicist, member of the H.A.S., research professor | +36 1 392 2212 | domokos.peter@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Clark Thomas William physicist, Ph.D., research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1557 | thomas.clark@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Curko Árpád physicist, Ph.D student, junior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1229 | curko.arpad@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Dombi András physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1557, +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1207 | dombi.andras@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Nagy Dávid physicist, Ph.D., research fellow | +36 1 392 2708 | nagy.david@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Varga Dániel physicist, Ph.D student, junior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3839 | varga.daniel@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Vukics András department leader physicist, D.Sc., scientific advisor | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1392, +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1207 | vukics.andras@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Williams Francis physicist, scientific advisor retired | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3046, +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1271 | williams.francis@wigner.hun-ren.hu |
Quantum Information and Complex Systems research group | |||
Kiss Tamás project leader physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1394 | kiss.tamas@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Ádám Péter physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1356 | adam.peter@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Asbóth János Károly physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1264 | asboth.janos@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Bodor András research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1229 | bodor.andras@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Diósi Lajos physicist, D.Sc., scientific advisor retired | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1287 | diosi.lajos@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Gábris Aurél Gábor physicist, Ph.D., research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1229 | gabris.aurel@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Gombkötő Ákos physicist, research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1394 | gombkoto.akos@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Hanyecz Ottó junior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 0000 | hanyecz.otto@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Homa Gábor research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 0000 | homa.gabor@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Iglói Ferenc physicist, D.Sc., scientific advisor retired | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3649 | igloi.ferenc@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Juhász Róbert physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3033 | juhasz.robert@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Kálmán Orsolya physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1356 | kalman.orsolya@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Kis Zsolt physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1390 | kis.zsolt@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Koniorczyk Mátyás physicist, Ph.D., research fellow, Dr. habil. | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1225 | koniorczyk.matyas@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Mechler Mátyás Illés Ph.D., research fellow, adjunktus | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1356 | mechler.matyas@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Német Nikolett physicist, Ph.D., research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 0000 | nemet.nikolett@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Oroszlány László research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 0000 | oroszlany.laszlo@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Pitrik József mathematician, Ph.D., senior research fellow, honorary associate professor | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1229 | pitrik.jozsef@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Portik Attila junior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1229 | portik.attila@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Sütő András physicist, D.Sc., professor emeritus | +36 1 392 2216 | suto.andras@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Szilasi Bálint Morgan junior research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1356 | szilasi.balint@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Tóth Géza D.Sc., scientific advisor | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1229 | toth.geza@wigner.hun-ren.hu | |
Trényi Róbert physicist, Ph.D., research fellow | +36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1379 | trenyi.robert@wigner.hun-ren.hu |