The library was founded in 1953. The core of the current library formed the basis of the stocks of smaller department libraries which were merged to establish a unified, professional library in 1960.
Our library is the common research library for the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics and the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research. Our main task is to promote research for local HUN-REN research centres located at the Csillebérc site, on the top of Buda Hills.
The library is also the home library for Physics science in Hungary. We offer Physics and Materials Science collections and also selections of Chemistry, Computer Science and Mathematics. We are limited open to the general public, however guest users are welcome.
Members of the library can get access to over 60000 books, 40000 journal issues, 41000 reports and a large range of digital resources.
Computer Networking Centre
The Computer Network Center is an organizational unit of the Directorate of the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, and a regional center of the National Information Infrastructure Development Institute (NIIF). Its tasks include the operation and development of the internal computer network of the Csillebérc site, the operation and development of the connection with the Hungarian research and higher education network (NIIF HBONE), as well as the development of systems, and providing network and information services to the research community.
For more information on network services, visit the Hungarian version of the CNC home page.
Wigner Datacenter (WDC)
INFRASTRUCTURE LEASING - The WDC's most basic service is the pure infrastructure lease, which includes the raw physical infrastructure consisting of a room prepared for hosting IT equipment, supplied with electricity and cooling.
ENHANCED HOSTING - A more value added service of ours is the enhanced hosting service. This includes – along with the basic infrastructure leasing – more value added services, involving mainly hardware maintenance and other interventions, along with network diagnostics.
ACADEMIC CLOUD - For the time being WDC Cloud provides an infrastructural service (IaaS) and platform service (PaaS) for its users, but this may serve as a basis for an eventual extension to SaaS services. This new cloud based infrastructure is significantly more effective and more cost efficient than former solutions following the more traditional concept of each partner institution using its own server park. Researchers and research projects are able to benefit from the resources of our data center by using our shared storage and computational resources. This new improved institutional infrastructure was the first milestone in an academic paradigm shift.
SECURED CLOUD - Our Secure Cloud service really distinguishes us from other commercial cloud vendors. As our cloud grew bigger, we became aware that security was becoming increasingly important. There is a strong need to think about how to comply with security and data privacy regulations for versatile scientific projects.
We build highly-secure, isolated, dedicated resources when needed, and are capable of maintaining the highest standard of IT security, along with physical security (with our data center being located within the boundaries of the guarded campus of KFKI). We mean to be the trusted cloud provider for the scientific community, by handling data with utmost security.
Project administrators can decide what level of security they require based on their data classification. We are flexible for any type of customization as per their requirements, and are ready to give advice to project leaders.
DATA SCIENCE - Data Science is our top level service, which enables us to utilize domain specific expertise of our partner institutions and merge them with information from other scientific fields. We are in partnership with various scientific disciplines including physics, energy research, astronomy, medicine, biology and even social studies.
KNOWLEDGE LAB - Modelled after CERN Open Lab, we have created our own lab service. Knowledge Lab works as an experimental showroom of new technology and testing ground for advanced solutions for different hardware and software vendors. In the Wigner Datacenter we have taken this model one step further and named it ’Knowledge lab’ in order to encourage the development of new ideas:
- we encourage vendors to deploy their latest hardware
- we encourage software deployment beyond traditional cloud application use
- we work with scientists to leverage data science methodologies
HUN-REN Data Repository Platform
The project, supported by the HUN-REN Secretariat, aims to establish the foundation of a new repository infrastructure service that can support the continuous and long-term research data management of the research network. In the implementation of the data repository, three research sites of HUN-REN are involved: in addition to the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, the HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control, and the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences are participating.

Open Labs
The aim of the open labs is to give access to the technology and equipments of Wigner RCP. The list of the laboratories is avalaible here:
TOP Research Infrastructures at the HUN-REN Wigner RCP, 2024
Hungary's most outstanding research infrastructures were recognized at the initiative of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFI Office)
- Functional Materials Laboratory
- Vesztergombi High Energy Physics Laboratory
- Wigner Scientific Computing Laboratory
- Wigner Laser and Spectroscopy Centre
- Zero Magnetic Field Laboratory
- Quantum Information National Laboratory
- HUN-REN Cloud