Quantum technology and photonics  short video(1:39; 2022)
Particle and nuclear physics short video  (2:03; 2022)
Complex fluids short video (1:36; 2022)
Interdisciplinary researches  short video (2:05;2022)
Innovative solutions short video (2:10; 2022)
Modern materials sciences short video (1:38; 2022)
Quantum Information National Laboratory introduction (6:08; 2022) 


Podcasts (in Quantum discipline)

János Asbóth: podcast (1:11:4; 2024)
Ádám Gali : Kossuth Rádió  (13:53, 2024)
Ádám Gali: Szigma (22:27; 2024)
Orsolya Kálmán:  Klubrádió   (98:55; 2024)
Ádám Gali: Kossuth Rádió (13:58; 2023)
Ádám Gali: Klubradio  (100:43; 2022)