RMI Materials Science by Nuclear Methods Department

 Szilágyi Edit Olga
department leader
physicist, D.Sc., scientific advisor
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3962

Staff of the Department

 Femtosecond Spectroscopy and X-ray Spectroscopy Research Group
Vankó György Albert project leader
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1736vanko.gyorgy@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Bazsó Gábor
chemist, Ph.D., research fellow
+36 1 392 2650,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1192
  Buzsáki Dániel
chemical engineer, Ph.D., research fellow
+36 1 392 2745buzsaki.daniel@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Endrődiné Bajnóczi Éva Gabriella
chemist, Ph.D., research fellow
on leave
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1371bajnoczi.eva@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Keszthelyi Tamás
chemical engineer, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1986keszthelyi.tamas@wigner.hun-ren.hu
  Mandal Souvik
research fellow
+36 1 392 2745mandal.souvik@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Németh Zoltán
chemist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1371nemeth.z@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Pápai Mátyás
chemist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2745papai.matyas@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Rozgonyi Tamás
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2745rozgonyi.tamas@wigner.hun-ren.hu
  Vancza Andor
chemical engineer, Ph.D student, junior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1706vancza.andor@wigner.hun-ren.hu
 Functional Nanostructures Research Group
Merkel Dániel Géza project leader
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3473merkel.daniel@wigner.hun-ren.hu
 Ion Beam Physics Research Group
Szilágyi Edit Olga department leader, project leader
physicist, D.Sc., scientific advisor
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3962szilagyi.edit@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Bányász István
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2747,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1732,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1506
Kiss László
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1619kiss.laszlo@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Lengyel Attila
chemist, Ph.D., research fellow
+36 1 392 2650,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3473
  Manoj Kumar Pal
physicist, Ph.D., research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1778manoj.kumar.pal@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Németh Attila
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1144,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3508,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3507
Sajti Szilárd Mihály
mérnök-fizikus, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1540,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3473
Vad Gábor
electrical engineer, technical staff
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1125,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1430
Zwickl Zoltán
engineer, technical staff
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1132zwickl.zoltan@wigner.hun-ren.hu


 Others not in groups
Bottyán László Menyhért
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2761bottyan.laszlo@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Kótai Endre
physicist, Ph.D., senior research fellow
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1506,
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 3455
Nagy Dénes Lajos
physicist, D.Sc., professor emeritus, Dr. habil.
+36 1 392 2517nagy.denes@wigner.hun-ren.hu
Szőkefalvi-nagy Zoltán
physicist, D.Sc., professor emeritus, Dr. habil.
+36 1 392 2222 Ext. 1855,
+36 1 392 2741