Előadó: Baiyang Zhang (University of Minnesota)
Az előadás témája: Deconfinement in SU(N) gauge theory with a massive adjoint fermion
Az előadás időpontja: 2021. június 4., 14 óra
Helyszín: videokonferencia, a video linkje: https://cern.zoom.us/j/61061215615?pwd=MUZYcmtRQ2xaWFJwUm1mUC9EZzZGdz09
When compactified on a circle, SU(N) gauge theory with a massive adjoint Majorana fermion has an interesting phase structure. We will discuss the deconfinement transition as a function of the fermion mass, with a focus on the large N limit. This phase transition is driven by a competition of effects due to a rich variety of topological defects. Besides the fundamental instanton-monopole configurations, in this theory there are magnetic bions which are molecular states made of two instanton-monopoles, and in general both contribute to the effective potential for the Polyakov loop in a way controlled by the fermion mass. We will talk about how non-zero fermion mass changes the vacuum expectation value of the gauge holonomy, leading to a center symmetry breaking phase transition.