Alberto Di Meglio (Head of Innovation in the IT Department at CERN, Coordinator of the CERN Next Generation Triggers project) is our next guest at the Wigner Colloquia. The title of his lecture: The role of AI and Quantum in HEP Research - Status, challenges and opportunities.
Date: 13 February 2024
Place: Building 1, meeting room
or Zoom:
Meeting ID: 867 3904 9578
Passcode: 815445

Alberto Di Meglio (photo: CERN)
The CERN IT Department has set up in the past two years a new Innovation Function tasked with driving the innovation process, assessing emerging computing and data technologies and their possible role in HEP research and other scientific domains and set up collaborative R&D projects with the HEP community, academia and industry. The focus of the current investigations is in designing and accessing hybrid heterogeneous infrastructures, Artificial Intelligence algorithms and applications, Quantum Computing, Digital Twins and other long-term opportunities. This talk shows how innovation is managed by the IT Department and describes the current state-of-the art of AI and Quantum research in IT and at CERN together with challenges and opportunities for future research and collaborations.
CV of the speaker:
Alberto Di Meglio is Head of Innovation in the IT Department at CERN, Coordinator of the CERN Next Generation Triggers project, former Coordinator of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative, and former Head of CERN openlab. Alberto is an Aerospace Engineer (MEng) and Electronic Engineer (PhD). He joined CERN in 1998 and took part since its early stages in the development of the worldwide High-Energy Physics computing infrastructure. Alberto has designed and led the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative from 2021 to 2023, a programme to define and implement collaborative R&D projects between CERN, academia, and industry on quantum computing and technologies for fundamental research applications.