HUN-REN Wigner RCP co-organizes the conference on Recent Advances in Quantum Computing and Technology (ReAQCT) to be held on 19-20 June 2024

The international conference "Recent Advances in Quantum Computing and Technology" (ReAQCT 2024), which will take place at the Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus (Budapest, Hungary) on 19-20 June 2024, will focus on five main topics of quantum computing and technology (quantum algorithms and information, quantum error correction, quantum software engineering, HPC & quantum computing, and quantum sensing) with the aim to bring together scientists and industry experts from these fields.
Submissions are possible via two tracks: full-manuscript or abstract-only track, see The deadline for submissions is 29 April.
The final deadline for registration is 10 June (early-bird registration is possible before 15 May), see
For more details see,
Our colleagues, Orsolya Kálmán and Zoltán Zimborás represent the HUN-REN Wigner RCP in the Organizing Committee and the Program Committee of the conference.