Wigner Café is our science café program cooperation with the Csopa Science Centre. Every time, an invited researcher present his or her life and career. Program always starts at 5 p.m.
The list of the former Wigner Cafés (in Hungarian). You can see the videos on these links:
Address: Space - new challenges in the space research - Pál Gábor,VIZI (2020.01.22)
What the doctors do with the lasers... and with the patients? - Zoltán HORVÁTH (2019.12.11.)
Optics in environmental protection - Szilvia KUGLER (2019.11.27.)
Cosmology: The origin of the World (Big Bang and Creation) - Dezső HORVÁTH (2019.10.30.)
Fusion energy production: dead-end or the Holy Grail - Gábor VERES (2019.09.25.)
COUNTDOWN 2019 and the Apollo 50 exhibition - Pál Gábor VIZI (2019.04.12.)
COUNTDOWN 2018 - Day of the Space travel (2018.04.12.)
Molecular movie with ultra-fast cameras- Zoltán NÉMETH (2018.03.26.)
Petting meteorites - Arnold GUCSIK (2018.02.26.)
Miracles in the space - Pál Gábor, VIZI (2018.01.29.)
2016 (as part of Csopa Science Café)
What do gravitational waves send? - Mátyás VASÚTH (2016.05.10.)
Secrets of space researchers - how it feels to work as a researcher today - János NAGY (2016.04.12.)