The most prestigious conference of quantum information science, QIP 2024 (Quantum Information Processing) was hosted last week in Taipei, Taiwan, and more than 800 participants attended. The conference’s main focus is quantum algorithms, quantum information theory, and quantum cryptography, but every other aspect of the field was also represented. Each year it is a major goal for the international community of researchers in the field of quantum information science, to be able to present their latest findings at this conference. With the constant growth of the field, it is becoming increasingly challenging to be selected as a speaker, and by now it is considered a privilege to be chosen.
This year, a topic investigated by four members of the Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Research Group, who are also part of the Quantum Information National Laboratory (Ágoston Kaposi, Zoltán Kolarovszki, Adrián Solymos, and Zoltán Zimborás) has been selected to be presented, titled “Generalized group designs: overcoming the 4-design barrier and constructing novel 2-designs in arbitrary dimensions”. The research focuses on a way to render finite a specific averaging of infinite elements that occurs in several important quantum algorithms. Given its key role in many quantum algorithms studied today, their presentation sparked significant interest among members of the international audience.