Szilágyi Edit research

The subject of my activities may be divided in two categories:

In the field of IBA methodology:

  • measuring missing non-Rutherford cross sections for ERDA using 4He beam;
  • predicting the energy and depth resolution of the various IBA methods with reasonable precision;
  • treating the case of overlapping peaks that arise from particles of different type in complex NRA energy spectra;
  • widening the range of present computer programs used in data reduction, especially by taking into account the effects of angular multiple scattering of the probing beam particles;
  • including energy spread effects in spectrum simulation.


In the field of solid state physics and material science:

  • studying heterogeneous materials, e.g., porous silicon, multilayers, etc.
  • Applying IBA to these problems taking into account the special effects showing up in porous media.
  • Studying the effects of ion implantation in porous silicon: structural changes and physical properties.
  • Modification of the properties of the surface by ion implantation, fundamental processes of ion implantation.
  • Magnetic structure and phase analysis in thin films by Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry (SMR).
  • Oxidation mechanism and kinetics of SiC.