Applied and Nonlinear Optics Research

Group leader: Róbert SZIPŐCS

WEB page of the group:

Publications of the group: link to the database of the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

The activity of the research group focuses on research and development of ultrafast (ps, or fs) pulse solid state or optical fiber lasers for applications in in vivo 3D nonlinear microscopy. Their aim is to develop laser systems that improve the quality of imaging (e.g. imaging depth, resolution), support easier handling (held-held imaging systems, fiber integration) or minimize the risk of thermal or photochemical damage of the living tissue. Main R&D results of the group include the development of a long cavity, femtosecond pulse, tunable Ti-sapphire laser operating at 22 MHz repetition rate, an all-fiber Yb-fiber oscillator and amplifier laser operating at 2 MHz repetition rate and delivering sub-0.5 ps pulses and a two-wavelength femtosecond pulse laser system for CARS imaging applications. The research group also involved in development and applications of different label free imaging techniques (2PEF, SHG, CARS, SRS, FLIM) in the fields of dermatology, neurology and metabolic research with its partners at Semmelweis University (SE), Szeged University (SZTE) and University of Sports Science (TF), respectively.


Szipocs Robert csoport


Results: 2024; 2019-2023

Wigner Research Group