Dr. David Gary Sibeck visited Budapest and the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Department of Space Physics and Space Technology from October 18 to 21, 2022. Dr. Arpad Kis, the deputy director and senior research fellow of the Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (EPSS) in Sopron invited him to Hungary. Dr. Sibeck, Dr. Kis and Dr. Gabor Facsko, senior research fellow in the Department of Space Physics and Space Technology participated in the work of an international ISSI team. Furthermore, they are co-authors of a recently published review paper (see here in Hungarian).

Dr. David and Dr. Ray Sibeck standing at the main entrance of the KFKI Campus, pointing to the table of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics on October 19, 2022 (credit: Gabor Facsko).
Dr. Sibeck studied atmospheric physics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and during his PhD studies specialized in Space Plasma Physics. Later he worked as a post-doc and permanent staff member in the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). In 2002 he moved to the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA GSFC) and he was almost immediately detailed to NASA/Headquarters where he was appointed the leader of NASA’s "Living with a Star” Programme. Later he became TRACERS Mission Scientist, Van Allen Probes Mission Scientist, and THEMIS/ARTEMIS Project Scientist. Now he is Chief Scientist in the NASA Heliophysics Science Division. According to Google Scholar, Dr. SIBECK is an author and co-author of more than 400 refereed papers, these papers were cited 17382 times and his Hirsch index is 63 (on October 27, 2022). He likes cooking and baking very much, working in his garden, and learning Serbian as a hobby. He worked with Czechian, Slovakian and Soviet researchers previously. Gabor Facsko visited him in the Summer of 2016 and 2017 at the NASA GSFC (see here in Hungarian). Now Dr. Sibeck visited Dr. Facsko in the Wigner Research Centre for Physics from October 18 to 21, 2022. 8 to 21, 2022.

Dr. Peter Van, deputy director of the Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, and Dr. David. G. Sibeck after Dr. Sibeck's „Remotely Sensing the Magnetosphere's Boundaries" talk was given on October 20, 2022, at 10:00 in the Meeting Room in Building 3 of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (credit: Gabor Facsko).
Our noted visitor consulted with the student and researcher about their scientific results and made suggestions for the following research. He gave a talk at 10:00 on October 20, 2022, titled „Remotely Sensing the Magnetosphere’s Boundaries” in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of Building 3. Many colleagues joined the online Zoom broadcasting. Dr. Sibeck offered further collaboration with the researcher of the Department of Space Physics and Space Technology. He invited the researchers to study the transient dayside phenomena using THEMIS spacecraft measurements. Furthermore; Dr. Sibeck would like to involve the Wigner scientists in the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) mission. The SMILE is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The purpose of the mission is the observation of the terrestrial magnetosphere in the soft X-ray (article in Hungarian). Dr. Sibeck will visit Sopron and the Wigner annually. Furthermore, the researcher and students of the Department will visit him in the NASA GSFC for a few months from 2023 at his cost.
David Sibeck visited Hungary first time. He and his wife walked around Castle Hill and considered Budapest a unique and beautiful city. They liked Hungarian cuisine. Especially the Liptauer served in the hotel, the elderberry syrup, and the squash stew with dill cooked in the Salatabar cafeteria. Unfortunately, on October 22, 2022, Dr. Sibeck had to return to the US to give an important