

Peter Higgs, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist and one of the founders of the theoretical physics of elementary particles, has passed
away. He was the visionary behind the existence of the Higgs boson. Prior to 1970, the theory of elementary particles could not account for the mass of the smallest components of matter, although it could explain the mass of the vast majority of substances as energy content. This was because symmetry-based interaction theories excluded
the non-zero mass of elementary particles, such as the electron.

The video of the Wigner Colloquium placed on 26 March, presented by Gabor Csanyi, Professor of Materials Chemistry is now available. Title of his lecture:  A foundational atomistic model for materials.
Gábor Csányi, Professor of Molecular Modelling is the next invited speaker of the Wigner Colloquia. The title of his lecture is: A foundational atomistic model for materials.
The video of the Wigner Colloquium placed on 5 March, presented by Andrew Goodwin, Professor of Materials Chemistry is now avalaible. Title of his lecture:  Diffuse scattering studies of unconventional magnets.
Andrew Goodwin, Professor of Materials Chemistry at the University of Oxford is our next guest at the Wigner Colloquia. Title of his lecture:  Diffuse scattering studies of unconventional magnets.