Department of Computational Sciences

Group leader: Zoltán Somogyvári


Publications of the group: database of the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography


The fundamental mission of the Theoretical Neuroscience and Complex Systems Research Group at the Department of Theoretical Physics, Wigner RCP is to promote the understanding of complex systems, concentrating primarily on the brain. We create mathematical models to better understand the phenomena inferred from experimental data. We also serve our community by developing and applying novel data analysis tools. Some key words covering the areas of our interest: causality, networks and connectomes, concentration inequality, regularity, Markov processes, etc. We are an interdisciplinary group of researchers from different fields including physics, biology and mathematics. Although, our work focuses primarily on scientific problems related to the normal and disordered functioning of the brain, the tools and models developed by our group have a sphere of application that is not limited to the neurosciences. We have studied a great number of complex systems in economy, ecology, power supply, medicine, social sciences, etc. For more details, please visit our website.

Results: 2024; 2017-2023

Wigner Research Group