
Előadó: Rádl Attila (RMI)

Előadás címe: Jet measurements in small systems relevant for in medium modifications

Dátum: 2023. október 9., 10:00-ra

Helyszín: 2-es épület Médiaterem


The quark-gluon plasma is a unique phase observed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The formation of this hot and dense system is associated with several signatures, such as jet suppression and the collective behaviour of the final state particles. The ALICE, ATLAS and CMS collaborations are actively investigating these properties. Proton-nucleus and proton-proton collisions are considered as small systems and are used as benchmarks for the interpretation of heavy-ion collisions. This talk will summarise the recent measurements of the jet-related QGP signatures observed in small systems.