Our colleague Örs LEGEZA has been awarded by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of Technische Universität München with the Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship. This program is dedicated to…
A book entitled "Electrochemical Methods of Nanostructure Preparation" written by our colleague, László PÉTER, has been published by Springer Nature in April 2021.
Scientists at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics of ELKH have reached an important milestone on the pathway toward ultrafast optoelectronic devices. Members of the Ultrafast Nanooptics Research…
In a German-Hungarian collaboration led by the University of Hamburg, Krisztián Palotás (Wigner RCP, MTA-SZTE Reaction Kinetics and Surface Chemistry Research Group, Budapest University of Technology…
The Special Issue of the Open Access journal Polymers (MDPI, IF=3.426) is open for submissions. Two of our colleagues at the Department of Complex Fluid Research, Institute for Solid State Physics…
Based on the research it is very unlikely that virions directly reach the lungs, even if one inhales the air coughed out by a patient with COVID-19.
The GPU Laboratory of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics is organizing the 10th anniversary GPU Day dedicated to the fields of massively parallel computing, visualization, and data analysis in…
An article, written by Tamas Biro, has been published in the October 2020 issue of the Open Access Government journal about the research of entropy formulas. Since this paper is for a general…
Two power supplies have been developed by the Space Engineering Research Team of the Wigner Physics Research Center for the PEP Plasma Physics Instrumentation (PI Stas Barabash, IRF, Kiruna, Sweden…
Icarus is a prestigious scientific journal devoted to Solar System studies, published by Elsevier and endorsed by the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society.