The young resarcher of MTA Wigner RCP, Renáta Ünnep was awarded for studying the ultrastructure and flexibility of photosynthetic membrane systems in different photosynthetic organisms (cyanobacteria…
Three-atomic-layer-thick Fe films on Ir(111). The layers were heated from about 8K to about room temperature. The experiments reveal a significant increase of the magnetic period of spin spirals…
Hungarians and Wigner RCP reaserchers are participating in the developing of Next Generation Driver for Attosecond and Laser-plasma Physics. The team is led by the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum…
The High Energy Physics Conference of the European Physical Society was held in Venezia between 7-12 July 2017. The venue of the Conference is the world famous white building of the Palazzo del…
We all feel that science filters publications more carefully than social media does. The rigorous pier review makes us to believe this. Citation of scientific publications is many times…
Many-core computing in physics, astronomy, medical physics, other fields of science, including development technologies. The Future of Many-Core Computing in Science was discussed on the 7th GPU days…
At first catch, it sounds like a bad sci-fi movie title, but this story is real. A team of Wigner fusion spent the last 3 weeks at the world’s largest stellarator device, W7-X. Where they installed…
The article of researchers at MTA Wigner RCP in collaboration with ELTE and University of Debrecen is a leading news at The European Physical Journal (EPJ) . "In high-temperature field theory applied…
The 14th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference was organized by the BME and HAS Wigner RCP between 21 and 25 May 2017 in Budapest.
A brand new piece of technology called SuShi, a Superconducting Shield septum magnet, is being developed for CERN’s Future Circular Collider study, to protect the future machine from the beam’s…