Alberto Di Meglio (Head of Innovation in the IT Department at CERN, Coordinator of the CERN Next Generation Triggers project) is our next guest of the Wigner Colloquia. The title of his lecture: The…
The recently launched short film "EuPRAXIA-DN: Global Minds, Accelerating Tomorrow", showcases a major leap forward in particle accelerator technology and its potential impact across various fields.…
The topics of four members of the Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Research Group were featured at this year's QIP 2024 conference in Taiwan, which is the most prestigious conference in the…
 Researchers from the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (HUN-REN Wigner RCP), the ELI-ALPS Laser Research Institute in Szeged, and the University of Pécs have developed a completely new…
Prof. HATTORI, Yasunao (President, Shimane University, Japan) visited the Liquid Structure Research Group on December 14, 2023. He introduced the university, especially the new institutes that…
Experts at HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics are developing a new generation quantum micro-scope in the framework of a recently launched project. The goal is to realize a device that…
As part of the HUN-REN Welcome Home and Foreign Researcher Recruitment Programme announced for the first time this year by the HUN-REN Secretariat, six Hungarian and one foreign researcher from the…
A Hungarian startup company, LynXes Innovation Ltd., specialising in X-ray spectroscopy developments based on the scientific achievements of HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, has been…
HUN-REN Wigner RCP, together with the HEPTech Network successfully organized the seventh Academia-Industry Matching Event (AIME23) at Budapest, between 6-7 of November 2023.
On November 23, 2023, the Springer Nature group features the topic of muography in Nature Reviews Methods Primers. Covering the most recent developments in muography, the article is written with the…