Applied and Nonlinear Optics Research

Group leader: Krisztián Lengyel

Publications of the group: link to the database of the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography


There are 4 laboratories in the Crystal Physics group. The composition of crystals, the dopant and impurity content of the samples are determined by atomic absorption spectrometer in the Analytical and Preparative Laboratory. In addition the improvement of the Electrolyte Cathode Atmospheric Glow Discharge (ELCAD) to on-line monitor the elemental composition of river and lake sediments is in progress also in this place  Optical crystals for electro-, non-linear and laser optics applications are produced in the Crystal Growth Laboratory. In the Spectroscopy Laboratory the vibrational and electron transitions of the components and impurities in the as-grown crystals are investigated by high-resolution FTIR absorption, luminescence, Raman, and ESR spectroscopy. Holographic and nonlinear optical phenomena (e.g., photorefraction, spectral hole burning etc.) are examined in the Optical Laboratory.

Results: 2024; 2019-2023