Gravitational Physics
Theoretical Physics

Group leader: László Árpád Gergely

Group members: Dánel Barta; Károly CsukásBalázs Kacskovics; Róbert Kovács; István Rácz

Publications of the group members: link to the database of the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

The research interest of the group lies in all aspects of gravitational phenomena, ranging across:

- fundamental and conceptual issues related to the gravitational interaction
- theoretical investigations with the methods of mathematical physics (initial value problem, spacetime singularities and symmetries), both in general relativity and in modified gravity theories
- numerical relativity (constraint solving methods, asymptotic behaviour of black holes, binary black hole initial data)
- cosmology (modified gravity effects in solving cosmological tensions, dark energy models)
- relativistic astrophysics (neutron stars and other compact objects, black hole accretion, jets and magnetic fields, high-energy cosmic particles, dark matter models, gravitational lensing)
- gravitational wave physics (waveforms, eccentric compact binary dynamics, spin and quadrupole effects, data analysis), through exact, post-Newtonian approximate or numerical methods, supported by algorithms and multi-core computer procedures on grid and GPU clusters
- gravitational wave detector site characterization (rock characteristics, thermo-mechanical coupling, Newtonian noises)

Research highlights: 2024; 2017-2023

Group memberships in international research networks:

Virgo Collaboration

Einstein Telescope (ET) CA21136 - Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics (CosmoVerse) CA23130 - Bridging high and low energies in search of quantum gravity (BridgeQG) CERS - Central European Relativity Seminar on Mathematical Relativity




ca cost




Dániel Barta
Edit Fenyvesi
Balázs Kacskovics

Dániel Barta
Edit Fenyvesi
László Árpád Gergely
Balázs Kacskovics
Róbert Kovács

László Árpád Gergely
Balázs Kacskovics
Tegze Tordai (student)
László Árpád Gergely István Rácz

rapid response shifts, maintaining Wigner Virgo Tier 2 Computing Site

gravitational wave sources, detector site characterization modified gravity effects in solving cosmological tensions low-energy quantum gravity
forum for younger researchers to present their work


Group authorship in LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration papers 

Birth of the ET Collaboration in Budapest

Official facebook page


CosmoVerse webpage

CosmoVerse Seminars



5th CERSBudapest 2015

12th CERS, Budapest 2022


Past group members and researchers in gravitational physics at HUN-REN Wigner RCP:

Zoltán PerjésMátyás Vasúth, Béla LukácsÁkos SebestyénLászló B. SzabadosGyula FodorMerse Előd GáspárViktor CzinnerGergely DebreczeniPéter Csizmadia, Balázs MikócziJózsef ZsigraiJános KánnárJános Majár


Wigner Research Group