Október 20-21-én kerül sor az idén a GPU Napokra. A Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpontban működő GPU Laboratórium által szervezett program immár 10. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre.

A program weboldala: gpuday.com



Október 20., kedd


8:45-9:20: Opening Talk  (Gergely Barnaföldi, Péter Domokos)

9:20-9:40: Using GPUs in the ELKH cloud (Gy. Mező, J. Kadlecsik)

9:40-10:20: Hastlayer - Implementing on Xilinx Alveo Accelerator Cards (E. Dávid, Z. Lehóczky)

10:50-11:30: Understanding in the artificial intelligence: a mathematical approach (A. Jakovac)

11:30-11:50: Image classification for biodiversity assessment and nature conservation based on acoustic recordings (S. Zsebők)

11:50-12:30: The breakdown of photon blockade: a first-order dissipative quantum phase transition – cloud-based simulation of open quantum systems (A. Vukics)

14:00-14:40: The CERN Quantum Technology Initiative (A. Di Meglio)

14:40-15:00: Critical synchronization dynamics of the Kuramoto model on a large human connectome (G. Ódor)

15:00-15:20: Algorithmic Differentiation of Structured Mesh Applications (G. D: Balogh)

15:20-15:40: Bitwise reproducible execution of unstructured mesh applications (B. Siklósi)

16:00-16:40: The current status of Quantum Computing (Z. Zimborás)

16:40-17:00: Software Environments for Quantum Machine Learning (D. Nagy)

17:00-17:20: Quantum chemical investigation on the metabolism of the endogenous psychedelic N,N-dimethyltryptamine molecule by the monoamine oxidase A enzyme   (K. Kubicskó, Ö. Farkas)

17:20-17:40: Molecular dynamics simulations reveal new aspects of ABCG2 transport and its regulation by cholesterol (T. Nagy)


Október 21., szerda


9:00-9:20: Simulating high-energy heavy-ion collisions in HPC clusters (G. Bíró)

9:20-9:50: High Performance Computing for Nanoplasmonic Laser Fusion (I. Papp)

9:50-10:10: GPU based polytropic star model in the gravitational field of closed binaries  (B. Asztalos)

10:10-10:30: Hydrodynamic Modeling of Protoplanetary Disks with GFARGO2 (K. Kundan)


Kiegészítő program: Október 21-én

Satellit Workshop - Quantum Programming

Szervező: QHungary Team


13:00:  Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner RCP/BME): Introduction, QWorld, QHungary

13:10:  Ákos Budai, András Pályi (BME): Quantum Computing in Practice- with demonstration: programming IBM's quantum computers through the cloud

14:15: Coffee break - free discussion

14:30: János Asbóth (BME/Wigner RCP): Quantum Supremacy

15:05: András Gilyén (Caltech): Quantum-Inspired Classical Algorithms

15:50: Ending

További információk: https://sites.google.com/view/qhungary

Regisztráció:  https://forms.gle/gfK94oiDAQAE5wNA7