Immár 12. alkalommal kerülnek megrendezésre a GPU Napok, 2022. június 20-21-ikén, a Wigner Tudományos Számítási Laboratórium szervezésében.
A rendezvény helyszíne a Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill, az idei rendezvény kiemelt témái:
- Current status and near-future of parallel and high-performance hardware and software
- Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
- Many-core computing in physics and other fields of science
- Medical applications of parallel technologies
- Graphics, rendering, and image synthesis
- Machine Learning, Neural Networks, feature recognition
- Image processing, computer vision, and reconstruction
- Industrial applications
- Quantum computing
- Computing and visualization in education
- Mobile and embedded computing
- Emerging accelerator platforms
- Development technologies (languages, compilers, tools)
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