
Előadó: László András (HUN-REN Wigner FK)

Előadás címe: On the running and the UV limit of Wilsonian renormalization group flows

Dátum: 2024. szeptember 20. péntek  14 óra

Helyszín: 3-as épület Tanácsterem


In this talk we describe a recent result [Class.Quant.Grav.41(2024)125009] which states that, under mild conditions, a Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) flow of Feynman correlators, which extends to arbitrary regularization strengths, has a factorization property. Namely, there exists a regularization-independent distributional Feynman correlator (UV limit), from which the flow originates via an algebric ansatz. In addition, we will mention a newer development, stating the analogy of the above theorem in the context of Euclidean Feynman measures. Namely, under mild conditions, a Wilsonian RG flow of Feynman measures extending to arbitrary regularization strenghts has a factorization property: there exists some ultimate Feynman measure (UV limit) on the distributional fields, such that the regularized instances in the flow are obtained from this UV limit via taking the marginal measure against the regulator. Some theorems about the flow and UV limit of the corresponding action functional can also be stated.