
Előadó: Péter László (SZFI)

Előadás címe: My adventures in physico-chemical materials science

Dátum: Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 10:00,

Helyszín: Bldg 1, auditorium, illetve online: https://wigner-hu.zoom.us/j/99942976765?pwd=VnZOaFNLckZHdGJxc2dGRGhxYnl… Meeting ID: 999 4297 6765 Passcode: 075210



In this talk, I try to offer an insight into various fields of experimental materials research that I was involved in the last couple of years. Instead of diving too deep into either of the topics touched, I strive for a comprehensive overview. In the first part of the talk, activities related to electrodeposition will be detailed. A significant part of the works in the last decade was related to the study of the microstructure of electrodeposited Ni-based materials (Ni and Ni-Mo alloys). Although the deposition of such metals itself is not a novelty, this work was pioneering in the sense that trends related to the defect structure of electrodeposited metals were first established by using deposits prepared in our laboratory. I will focus on the role of solution components in the formation of defects such as twins and dislocations in relation to the grain size and the thermal stability of the deposits. Another electroplating-related study was the optimization of the deposition of 57Co isotopes. This application-oriented study served the goals of Mössbauer spectroscopy. In the second part of the talk, the operation of the new scanning electron microscope of the institute will be detailed. After presenting the way how it gained importance since the installation, a few interesting slides with peculiar images will be shown. The topic selected for a detailed insight will be, however, not based on the images; instead, it will be related to the quantitative description of the composition profile of welded metals obtained with SEM-EDS. This will exemplify that the routine in the instrument operation is only the basis that has to be exceeded to make real science.