
Előadó: Pitrik József (Wigner FK SZFI, BME)

Címek: Optimal transport: classical and quantum

Dátum: Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 14:00

Helyszín: Bldg 1, auditorium, és online: https://wigner-hu.zoom.us/j/91263505150?pwd=eWt2b1dxemlZUXMvdEtXdjg1ZDJ… Meeting ID: 912 6350 5150 Passcode: 486746



The theory of optimal transport has been blooming in the last 25 years at an enormous rate, with applications covering geometric and functional inequalities, partial differential equations, geometry of metric measure spaces, fluid mechanics, mathematical finance, computer graphics, machine learning, and even, more recently, quantum information theory. The first part of the talk will be a brief review of the classical (Monge-Kantorovich) optimal transport problem, giving an insight into the modern approaches. The second part is dedicated to quantum optimal transport. We will discuss, among others, the 1-1 correspondence of quantum channels and quantum transport plans and the "quantum optimal transport is cheaper" phenomenon.