
Előadó: Vukics András (SZFI)

Előadás címe: Finite-size scaling and thermodynamic limit of a first-order dissipative phase transition in zero dimension

Dátum: 2022. március 29., 10:00

Helyszín: 1-es épület Tanácsterem, illetve online: https://wigner-hu.zoom.us/j/92964941243?pwd=TU9rTi8xRHRBMTBUbXUwUzZNVExydz09

Meeting ID: 929 6494 1243 Passcode: 955720


I present our studies over the last several years related to the photon-blockade breakdown (PBB) effect, occurring most simply in a coupled system of a bosonic mode and a two-level system. Having been identified as a first-order dissipative phase transition in a thermodynamic limit where the coupling between the subsystems goes to infinity without affecting the system size [1] (hence the designation zero-dimensional), PBB was studied in a finite-size scaling approach [2], with finite-size scaling exponents determined numerically. I describe the experimental studies where we participated from the theoretical/computational side. PBB was first observed in a circuit QED platform [3], and the thermodynamic limit can also be modeled with artificial superconducting atoms [4]. I present our computational technology – involving on the software side quantum-trajectory simulations implemented in a high-level C++ framework [5], and on the hardware side a virtual cluster in an OpenStack cloud environment (ELKH cloud).
[1] H. J. Carmichael, Phys. Rev. X 5, 031028 (2015).
[2] A. Vukics, A. Dombi, J. M. Fink, P. Domokos, Quantum 3, 150 (2019).
[3] J. M. Fink, A. Dombi, A. Vukics, A. Wallraff, and P. Domokos, Phys. Rev. X 7, 011012 (2017).
[4] R. Sett, F. Hassani, D. Phan, Sh. Barzanjeh, A. Vukics, and J. M. Fink, in preparation.
[5] A. Vukics, Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, 1381-1396 (2012). https://github.com/vukics/cppqed