Materials Science by Nuclear Methods

Materials Science by Nuclear Methods
Department leader
Edit Szilágyi

The Materials Science by Nuclear Methods Department carries out experimental research in materials science, primarily using nuclear physics and spectroscopic methods. To this end, the group develops research methods, the theoretical background and the evaluation methods used. The different groups, beyond making use of the domestic research environment, also use large-scale European research infrastructures.


In collaboration with the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest) and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), our researchers also take part in physics teaching. We hold advanced-level courses and laboratory classes that compatible with university curricula and we offer BSc, MSc and PhD training to interested students.

In the course of its research, the group studies the electron configuration of transition metal compounds that have special conduction and  excitation properties, chiefly using  X-ray spectroscopic techniques based on synchrotron radiation....
The Functional Nanostructures Research Group focuses on the research of multiferroic materials, neutron super mirrors, biological membranes, fundamental physical phenomena, and methodological issues within the framework of extensive international collaborations.
The Ion Beam Physics Group is devoted to the ion beam modification and analysis of solid surfaces. Its activities include research in biology, environmental and material science, archeology and art....